No 1 (2014)
17-22 697
Literature data related to biological active feed additives containing living yeast cultures or viable dried yeast cells, their pro- and prebiotic properties and application prospects were observed.
23-31 559
The available information about the peculiarities of genomes of wild allotetrapoloid potato species, their origin and evolution have been analysed in the review. There were examined the problems of hybridization between wild allotetraploid species and cultivated potato and methods of introgression into breeding of their valuable germplasm. Special attention was attended to the phenomenon of production of diploid hybrids in crosses between allotetraploid species and S. tuberosum diploid clones, its significance for potato genetics and breeding. The questions on the origin of allotetraploid species that need further investigation have been discussed.
Zh. A. Rupasova,
I. K. Volodko,
T. I. Vasileuskaya,
L. V. Goncharova,
V. N. Reshetnikov,
T. V. Kurlovich
32-36 449
Profiling trends in the transformation of bioflavonoid complex generative organs of evergreen and deciduous species of Rhododendron L. in the seasonal cycle of development in Belarus were installed. It is shown that the flowers of evergreen species are characterized by higher than deciduous species, the content of all fractions of bioflavonoids with a significant participation in their composition of oxygenated compounds as anthocyanins and flavonols and less recovered, such as leucanthocyanins and catechins. The leveling of differences between evergreen and deciduous species in the ratio of the major polyphenol fractions in the fruiting period, not only in the fruit, but also on the seed, because of the need to preserve the generative organs of genetically determined structures of the data pool connections, typical for Rhododendron L. genus were observed.
37-39 468
The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the effects of different concentrations of chlorcholinchlorid and abscisic acid on the activation of meristems, growth rate and viability of regenerated sterile cultures 6 varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L. and 3 varieties Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Shown that the investigated parameters depend on retardants contained in the culture medium, their concentration and varietal identity of plants.
40-44 570
The character of changes in the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence induction of 13 species tropical and subtropical plants belonging to 10 families from different habitats in humid tropics and subtropics, cultivated in greenhouses of the Central Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences of Belarus (CBG) was studied. The effect of micro-climatic conditions in CBG greenhouses on the functioning of PS 2 and the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters value was detected. Observed data characterized the degree of adaptation of leaf photosynthetic membranes in different ecological groups of tropical and subtropical plants to cultivating conditions.
45-49 506
Apophyte fraction of the bryoflora of old concrete fortifications in the north-west of Belarus discussed in the article. Apo-phytes include 77 species from the 95 species of bryophytes, including 47 eventoapophytes, and 30 gemiapophytes. Attempt to explain the role and place of bryophytes in the synantropisation of flora undertaken.
50-53 505
In the article the studying results of temperature effect on Clastesporium carpophilum - clastesporium disease causal agent growth and incubation period are presented. It is determined, that an optimal vegetative growth of the fungus Cl. carpophilum mycelium in vitro is observed at 20-22 °C temperature, and sporulation - at 17 °C. The fungus Cl. carpophilum incubation period on plum leaves lasts from 2 till 9 days. Close inverse correlation relation is revealed between the fungus Cl. carpophilum incubation period and an average day air temperature.
N. I. Dubovets,
Y. A. Sycheva,
A. Y. Nosova,
Y. B. Bondarevich,
L. A. Solovey,
T. I. Shtyk,
O. I. Zaytseva
54-59 711
The article presents the results of molecular-cytogenetic analysis of genomic structure and molecular analysis of allelic composition of dwarfing genes Rht-B1, Rht-D1 and Rht8 in 6 varieties and 20 selection forms of hexaploid triticale from Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming (The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) and KazSRI for Arable Farming and Plant Growing (Kazakhstan) collections, and 8 recombinant forms of hexaploid triticale created in Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
60-67 537
The efficiency of the treatment of artificially made wound defects of rat skin using transplants from mesenchymal stem cell of fat tissue was investigated. It was found that above transplants considerably reduce the time of wound repair of the skin defects of experimental animals. The obtained data from the point of view of possibility of development of cell technology for the treatment of human diseases are discussed.
68-73 489
ISSR primers were used to develop SCAR markers for genome region between microsatellite loci of wild species of Solarium and potato Solarium tuberosum. These markers were shown to be applied for comparative identification of genetic determinants of potato Solarium tuberosum and such wild species as Solarium etuberosum, Solarium palustre, S. pinnatisectum, S. boliviense, S. michoacanum.
74-77 560
The room temperature tryptophan phosphorescence (RTTP) of platelets in microsecond range was found. Its spectral and kinetic parameters were studied. The role of membrane proteins in RTTP of platelets was discussed.
78-83 711
The use of light-emitting diode lighting with a non-optimal spectral composition leads to the development of oxidative stress in cucumber leaves, accompanied by changes in the activity ascorbate-glutathione cycle.
84-88 451
Influence of carbon-containing compounds on production of extracellular glucose oxidase by Pénicillium varians BIM F563 D was studied. It was found that glucose (7%) and sucrose (6%) proved the optimal carbon sources for enzyme biosynthesis. Extra supply of pectin, xylan, gelatin (0.05%) and ethanol (1%) or butanol (0.5%) results in increased level of enzyme generation - by 44, 34, 32, 35, 50 %, respectively. The revealed promoters of glucose oxidase synthesis by Pénicillium varians BIM F563 D may be engaged in elaboration of enzyme production technology.
89-95 463
to produce phytase, protease and cellulase. It was shown that treatment of garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seeds with cultural liquids of Bacillus sp. 0-12 and Bacillus sp. 0-99 raised rate and power of germination, shortened the length of seedlings and increased their weight. It was also established in vitro that titer of bacteria introduced into soil tended to rise 100-fold by the following 20 days. The action of bacterium Bacillus sp. 0-99 resulted in increase of soil enzymatic activity and elevated contents of phosphorus, reducing substances and protein.
96-100 604
A series of national import-substituting probiotics based on sporulating bacteria of genus Bacillus was developed: for correction of microbial cenosis of gastrointestinal tract and stimulation of immune system in sick cattle, swine and poultry; for prevention and treatment of purulent-necrotic skin lesions; for sanitary treatment of stock and poultry farms; for increasing biological digestibility of fodder. A comprehensive scheme of Enatin and Bacinil application was elaborated. Introduction of up-to-date local microbial technologies results in manufacturing of top-quality stock farm products free of antibiotics and chemical drugs.
101-105 540
Using methods of genetic engineering strains E. coli producing deoxynucleoside kinase of D. melanogaster, deoxynucle-oside monophosphate kinase of bacteriophage T5, homologous nucleoside-diphosphate kinase and acetate kinase, with additional С-terminal fusion polyhistidine oligopeptide were constructed. Four canonical deoxynucleoside triphosphates were synthesized using the recombinant enzymes. The yields of the reactions were 95-97 %. The conversion was completed within 4 h.
106-110 734
The studies identified the species diversity of true bugs grass-shrub layer of peat bogs of Belarus Land O'Lakes which were affected by drainage. The checklist, comprising 50 species belonging to 9 families, was made. Miridae (12 species), Pentatomidae (11 species) и Lygaeidae (9 species) families are dominates among others. In Nabidae and Rhopalidae families five species has been found, in Reduviidae family - 3 species; in Tingidae, Coreidae, Acanthosomatidae families has only 1 species. Most frequently detected species in gathering are the following: Lygus pratensis, L. рunctatus, Nabis ericetorum, N. ferus, Kleidocerys resedae, Cymus glandicolor, Pterotmetus staphyliniformis, Rhyparochromus pini, Stictopleurus crassicornis, Dolycoris baccarum.
111-114 479
The investigation of the species composition, habitat distribution and relative abundance of ticks, as well as the degree of contamination of tick-borne borreliosis pathogens, were conducted in the urbanized areas of the Minsk region. The subtypes of Borrelia burgdorferi isolated from Ixodes ricinus L., which were collected in the residential areas with different degrees of urbanization, were determined by sequencing B. afzelii was the main subtypes of Borrelia spirochetes - 54,5 %.
115-119 436
in combination with EKDS partially prevents an increase of MDA, DK, and activity SOD, GR, which leads to the normalization of the roots. EKDS, thanks to the presence of antioxidants can be recommended for the protection of plants against oxidative stress caused by the action of salts of heavy metals.
ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)