
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Vol 66, No 3 (2021)
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263-270 608

The dynamics of accumulation of flavonoids in the leaves of the littlewale (Lithospermum officinale L.) of the second year of cultivation in various phenological phases was studied. The maximum content of flavonoids was observed during the flowering phase. It was shown that the qualitative composition of the extracts of the leaves of the common sparrow in different phenological phases was changed insignificantly. At each stage of plant development, the flavonoid isoquercitrin was identified, the maximum amount of which was observed in the flowering phase.

A comparative assessment of the elemental composition of the leaves of the littlewale is carried out, depending on the phenological phase. The quantitative content of 11 macro- and microelements has been determined. A high content of calcium, potassium and silicon was noted in each phase of plant development.

271-276 651

One of the recent perspective trends of molecular biotechnology is cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS). The procedure of CFPS is based on in vitro reconstruction of all stages of a biosynthesis of protein in a whole cell, including a transcription, an aminoacylation of tRNA and translation of mRNA by ribosomes.

Previously, we constructed a strain Escherichia coli that produces homologous adenosine deaminase (ADase). In the present study, as an alternative to canonical submerged cultivation in a fermenter, the possibility of the ADase synthesis in the system of CFPS was studied. For synthesis of this enzyme we used the E. coli-30 cell extract, T7 bacteriophage RNA polymerase, and high-copy plasmid vector pET42mut with gene ADase inserted into it.

As a result of the work we have demonstrated for the first time the possibility of synthesis of ADase E. coli in the CFPS system. In a partially optimized process conditions, an experimental sample of recombinant AD with an activity of 530 U/ml of enzyme preparation was obtained.

277-281 551

The effect of epibrassinolide (EBL) on the content of flavonoids in seedlings of fiber flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under chemical stress caused by N-phosphonomethylglycine (glyphosate) was studied. The species specificity of the response of the seedlings to the introduction of EBL in a mixture with an inhibitory dose of glyphosate was noted. This specificity is expressed in the suppression of the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on the flavonoids' content in the tissues of fiber flax and the absence of changes in the level of the content of flavonoids in the roots and aerial part of spring barley seedlings.

282-294 735

The dynamics of the photosynthetic pigments content and parameters of oxidative stress with an increasing water deficit in the leaves of 40-days-old plants of two amaranth species - Amaranthus paniculatus L. (cv. Rubin) and Amaranthus caudatus L. (cv. Chyrvony aksamit), grown in a pot culture, was studied. Specific features of the development of water deficiency in amaranth leaves were revealed: amaranth plants Amaranthus paniculatus L. showed a stronger development of water deficit in leaves than Amaranthus caudatus L. after 4-days soil drought, which after 8 days increased in two species to 73.7 and 55.7 %, respectively. Under moderate drought, the amount of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids) based on dry leaf weight increased in two amaranth species, but after 8 days of soil drought, the content of Chl (a + b) was reduced by 2.0-2.1 times, and carotenoids - 1.8-1.9 times relative to the physiological level. As a result of a 4-days soil drought in the leaves of Amaranthus paniculatus L., there was a significant decrease in the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activity of lipid peroxidation (LPO), while in Amaranthus caudatus L. an increase in the levels of ROS and LPO was observed. With an increase in the pressure of the stress factor in the leaves of amaranth of the two studied species, a decrease in the ROS content and LPO activity relative to physiological values was revealed. A conclusion was made about the different mechanisms of ROS generation and the flow of LPO processes at different stages of soil drought in the leaves of different amaranth species.

295-301 547

The effect of various concentrations of lithium sulfate on human erythrocytes in vitro has been studied. It has been shown that the effect of lithium salt in maximum pharmacological and toxic concentrations on cells leads to a modification of the physicochemical state of membrane-bound proteins and lipids. It was found that in human erythrocytes exposed to lithium ions, there is a decrease in the activity of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase and methgemoglobin reductase, as well as a change in the microviscosity of the lipid bilayer of membranes. The results obtained can be used to create a cell test system for assessing the toxicity of lithium compounds.

302-311 612

Based on the results of 12-year studies, the taxonomic characteristics of the keeping quality of berries of 27 cultivars end species of blueberries introduced in Belarus are shown. It was found that the storage postharvest of blueberry fruits under conditions of an ordinary gas atmosphere, depending on the taxon, varied from 7 days (swamp blueberry) to 29 days (‘Darrow' blueberry) at a storage temperature of +5 °C. Among the studied blueberry species, the fruits of tall blueberries and varieties obtained on the basis of this taxon retained their commercial qualities for a much longer period of time, compared to berries of other blueberry species. Fruits of late-ripening tall blueberry cultivars lose weight more slowly during storage and, accordingly, have a longer shelf life compared to berries of early-maturing taxa. The fruits of large-fruited blueberry cultivars are stored longer than the berries of small-fruited taxa of this crop. The keeping quality of blueberry berries, regardless of their taxonomic affiliation, was determined mainly by the natural loss of weight and, to a lesser extent, by waste from functional disorders and rot.

312-319 2342

Using the GC/MS method analysis of the chemical composition of aromatic volatile compounds released by the leaves of tropical representatives of the genus Citrus L. (sweet lime (limetta) - Citrus limetta Risso and its varieties: Citrus limetta ‘Marokko', Citrus limetta ‘Kislaya oranzhevaya', sour lime - Citrus aurantiifolia ‘Taiti' and Citrus aurantiifolia ‘Foro', as well as lemon - Citrus limon ‘Beskolyuchii') in greenhouse conditions were studied. The number of aromatic substances of the gas phase of natural essential oils of leaves revealed for each of them was 38, 41, 37, 44, 37 and 30 compounds, respectively. 10 components were characteristic of all six taxa under study, which confirm their genetic affinity: D-limonene, Z-citral (neral), E-citral (geranial), elemene isomer, α-copaene, trans-α-bergamotene, benzoic acid, 3-hexenyl ester, trans-γ-bisabolene, β-caryophyllene oxide, a-humulene epoxide II. For hybrids and varieties of sweet lime (limetta) and sour lime, 7 more components belonging to the class of terpenoids are also characteristic: oxygen-containing compounds (citronellal, citronellol, citronellyl, β-sinensal) and sesquiterpenes (cadina-3.5-diene, β-caryophyllene, trans-β-bergamotene), as well as a number of individual aromatic substances, characteristic for each of the varieties in the bouquet of their citrus-coniferous aroma of leaves. The studied taxa can be recommended as part of compositions of aromatic plants in interiors for various functional purposes.

320-332 574

An important component of forest firefighting strategies is related to the accurate prediction of fire risks. This article describes the development process of special decision support system (ForestFire GIS) - for the analysis of climatic conditions and definition of fire risks in Belarus including radioactively contaminated territory. The application consists of two basic modules: fire danger rating module and module of radionuclides transfer during the fire event. Fire danger rating module uses data on daily temperature, dew point and 24-hour rainfall to calculate weather based fire hazard index (FHI). The program provides recommendations for firefighting officials about efficient wildfires suppression strategy. GIS core (based on the MapWinGIS) performs all basic operations with map layers (scaling, moving, geocoding etc.), load and save changes. The ForestFire GIS was tested for the beginning of fire seasons in Gomel region in Belarus.

333-338 468

The content of photosynthetic pigments and fluorescence of chlorophylls in leaves of Dioscorea alata L. plants grown on a modified ion-exchange substrate were studied. It was found that in the variant with the addition of a fine fraction to the hydrogel substrate in an amount of 1 g/l, the Chl а content is 15 % higher than in the control. The content of Chl b and carotenoids in comparison with the control differed insignificantly. When the hydrogel was added at a concentration of 0.5 g/l, the Chl а content in all studied variants was significantly lower than the control.

Based on the investigated parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence, the most favorable conditions for the productivity of photosynthesis were in the variant with the addition of 1 g of a fine fraction and illumination of DNaT-400.

339-344 560

The assortment of floral and ornamental plants is annually replenished with new varieties of perennial floral plants. The group of late summer and autumn flowering perennials is one of the most popular in landscaping. Korean chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum сoreanum) is one of the most promising crops for landscaping settlements in the Republic of Belarus, therefore, breeders of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus began to work with this group of small-flowered chrysanthemums.

The article describes the results of breeding work, the purpose of which was to create local highly decorative varieties for our climatic zone. The method of free cross-pollination and subsequent selection from the obtained hybrid seedlings of the most promising forms were used in the work. The most significant features in the selection were the following: flowering time, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as good vegetative reproduction. As a result, 4 domestic varieties of Korean chrysanthemum have successfully passed state variety testing and have been registered in the National List since 2020. Descriptions of these new varieties, their biometric parameters, decorative parameters and flowering times are provided.


345-356 1247

This review dedicated to induced pluripotent stem cells discovery of which became one of the outstanding achievements of biomedical science at the beginning of 21th century. These cells are in fact a artificially induced analogue of embryonic stem cells. They are the progenitors of all cells contained in organism of animals and human. The pool of embryonic stem cells forms in fertilized cell and they are involved in extremely complex processes of organogenesis. The position of these cells in general and of induced pluripotent stem cells in particular in hierarchy of cells in organism is described.

The main properties of these cells, similarities and differences between embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, prospects for their practical use in biology and medicine including treatment of human diseases are considered.

The mechanisms of induced dedifferenciation in both unipotent cells, for example fibroblasts and keretotinocytes, and multipotent cells as hemopoetic or mesenchimal stromal stem cells are described.

In this review the information on used in the world approaches for obtaining of induced pluripotent stem cells is presented, the ways of reprogramming different in the methods of delivery of genetic material into the cells and conditions of their cultivation during dedifferentiation process and efficacy. As an example, description of all dedifferentiation cycle of human fibroblasts in induced pluripotent stem cells is provided. Besides, the data on unique properties of induced pluripotent stem cells what allowed to study ontogenesis processes, pathophysiology of various diseases both in vitro and in animals' models to be obtained using induced pluripotent stem cells and also on approaches of these cells application for medicine screening when they are synthesized and tested are given.

357-369 671

COVID-19 pandemic caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affected virtually all life aspects in most countries and nations. During 2020 around 100 mln of Earth inhabitants contracted this morbid infection and 2 mln people died thereafter. It is natural therefore that many pharmaceutical companies around the globe have joined into the race aimed at elaboration of prophylactic antiviral vaccines. However, the option can not be ruled out that parenteral vaccines to counter rapidly mutating pandemic coronavirus may be designed hastily, neglecting due tests of remote side effects, so that in the long run they risk to be expelled from the marked due to doubtful safety and efficiency.

As a real alternative to traditional vaccination techniques the present mini-review has proposed application of intranasal adjuvant nano-vaccine. If necessary, this approach may be complemented with pharmacological inactivation of coronavirus under the impact of ribo-favipiravir, recombinant arginine deiminase, RNAse L or lactoferrin, as well as biogenic silver or copper nanoparticles - the preparations derived from up-to-date molecular biotechnological processes.

370-384 997

This review describes the circulating cancer stem cells (CCSCs) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). CCSCs are one of the main initiators of recurrent cancer and thus make them an important target for the development of new treatment methods. CTCs are relatively new biomarkers for the early diagnosis of metastasis. CTCs provide doctors with valuable information about each stages of cancer treatments: diagnostic of early-stage disease, early detection of recurrent cancer, the efficiency of chemotherapy, and makes it possible to select an individual sensitive drug.

The most informative and frequently used markers for the detection of CSCs and CSCs were described. The mechanism of two models of tumor formation is considered: clonal and hierarchical. The known mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition of tumor cells are described. The most widely used specific cell surface markers for the detection and isolation of CTCs and CCSCs are described. The efficiency of a sensitive high-precision method of multicolor flow cytometry using specific fluorescent dye-labeled monoclonal antibodies for the detection of CCSCs and CTCs in the blood of cancer patients is analyzed. Detection of CTCs and CCSCs provides important information for the early diagnosis of metastasis and open a possibility to personalized treatment, and to monitoring of all stages cancers.

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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)