The article presents the results of a comparative study in the southern agroclimatic zone of Belarus in the taxonomic series of 6 new introduced varieties of highbush blueberry: early ripening – Chanticleer, Hannah’s Choice, midseason – Bluegold, Harrison, and late ripening – Aurora, Rubel, as well as the corresponding to these maturity groups zoned varieties Weymouth, Bluecrop and Elliott structures of correlation links between the levels of antioxidant and enzymatic activity, on the one hand, and 12 indicators of biochemical composition, on the other.
Significant genotypic differences in the orientation and strength of these links were revealed due to the individual characteristics of the biochemical composition of the tested objects, indicating a pronounced variety specificity of the analyzed traits.
A noticeable similarity was revealed in the representatives of different varietal groups in the spectra of organic compounds most significant for formation of the antioxidant complex of fruits, which was most clearly manifested in early and late ripening varieties and consisted of the dominant role of catechins, tannins, leucoanthocyanins and flavonols, and in midripening varieties – along with tannins and leucoanthocyanins, also free organic and hydroxycinnamic acids.
At the same time, soluble sugars and ascorbic acid had the least effect on the antiradical properties of blueberry fruits. A uniform sequence of blueberry taxa was established in the order of decreasing the interaction level of individual components of the antioxidant complex of fruits with the content of organic compounds of different chemical nature with the greatest manifestation of the strongest direct correlation links with sources of antioxidant, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activity in the Hannah’s Choice variety, and in the Aurora variety – with sources of catalase and, to a lesser extent, the peroxidase activity against the background of a minimum number of such interactions in the Harrison variety, which was 1.6–2.1 times inferior in this feature to the leading blueberry taxa.
The article presents the results of study of the fatty acid composition of seed lipids of two basil species du ring the period of 2020‒2023. Species specificity and variability in the content of oleic and α-linolenic acids were noted. The predominant fatty acids in the seed lipids of holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.) are α-linolenic (more than 56 %) and linoleic (more than 20 %) acids, and in the seed lipids of common basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) ‒ α-linolenic (about 47 %), oleic (about 21 %) and linoleic (about 20 %) acids. It was found that in 2022 (the lowest amount of precipitation for the period from May to August compared to 2020, 2021 and 2023), the content of linoleic acid increased: the coefficient of variation (CV) was 9.40 % for holy basil and 7.34 % for common basil, and the content of α-linolenic acid decreased: CV was 4.34 and 6.39 %, respectively, for holy and common basil. In 2023 (the smallest temperature deviations for the period from May to August from the climatic norm), an increase in the content of palmitic and stearic acids and a decrease in the content of linoleic acid were observed for holy basil, and an increase in the content of α-linolenic acid for common basil was seen. The both types of basil have the lowest oleic acid content in 2023.
Tests of nuclear weapons, routine and accidental releases of radionuclides from nuclear fuel cycle facilities, on one hand, and the long half-life decay time of 137Cs have led to significant levels of accumulation of this radioactive isotope in environmental objects in vast territories, which can have a negative impact on biota and public health. The search for effective methods to limit the transfer of radionuclides into food chains and remediate contaminated areas remains a pressing issue. One of the factors influencing the transfer of 137Cs from soil to plants is soil microbiom. The main hypothesis of this study is that developing arbuscular mycorrhizaon plant root systems leads to increasing the availability of cesium isotopes for root absorption and enhances their accumulation in underground and aboveground parts of plants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the significance of arbuscular mycorrhiza in the root uptake of 137Cs from soil into a model plant.
The vegetative experiment was conducted with barley variety Burshtyn chosen as a model plant. Mycorrhization of the root system was performed using the MycoApply SuperConcentrate inoculant. The results of the experiment allowed for the first time to demonstrate the relationship between accumulation and distribution parameters of 137Cs in barley plants with the level of arbuscular mycorrhiza development in the plant root system. Developing mycorrhizal infection in the barley root system increased the transfer factor of 137Cs from soil to the aboveground organs of barley 1.8–2.6 times compared to the control.
At the same time, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the activity concentration of the radionuclide in the root system.
Here we present the results of genetic analysis of an artificial deer population, inhabiting an enclosed territory near Lida. The analysis was aimed at determining the precise origins and genetic characteristics of the population and disco vering presence of any gene flow between the artificial population and the wild deer of the region. We employed mitochondrial control region haplotypes analysis to identify origins and possible matrilineal hybrids, and hybrid classification of migration analysis based on microsatellite data to discover hybrid specimens and gene flow, respectively. We have determined that the artificial population in question belongs to the species Cervus canadensis sibiricus, or Altai wapiti, originates in the South Altai region, and possesses mediocre genetic diversity as can be expected from a population of this size. While singular results of hybrid analysis seem to indicate a possibility of rare interbreeding between escaped wapiti and wild deer, there are no indicators of any substantial gene flow from the artificial population into the wild, but we believe that it still warrants additional attention in order to prevent undesirable introgression.
The aim of the article is to determine the main ways of formation of the synanthropic population of Tetrapoda in residential areas in the south-west Belarus based on our research results and literature data.
The results of studies on the structure and dynamics of the population of Tetrapoda on the lands of settlements and adjacent territories of the south-west part of Belarus (Brest region) are summarized. Ecological features of the emergence of regionally new species are considered. The main ways of formation of the synanthropic population of Tetrapoda (geographical, landscape, stationary (ecotopic), exanthropic) in residential areas are determined. Over the last decade, a five-fold increase in the number of new species of the synanthropic ecological complex of Tetrapoda has been observed in residential areas in the north of the Brest region compared to the south-west of this region.
Detecting Salmonella in foods is topical due to the known cases of salmonellosis epidemics. Immunochemical methods including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) have been widely used in Salmonella detection. Traditionally, ELISA of Salmonella is based on detecting lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is considered to be the main structural component of the outer membrane of the cell of Gram-negative bacteria. Core (conservative LPS element common to all Salmonella) and O-antigen (hypervariable LPS element) are available for interaction with antibodies. It was shown using commercial MAb 5D12A (to the core of LPS) or MAb 10D9H (to the common epitope of the O-antigen of Salmonella serogroups A, B and D) that in the Salmonella culture obtained during sample preparation, traditional for the analysis of these bacteria in foods, LPS is present mainly outside cells, in the medium (no less than 90 %). It has been found that the addition of centrifugation to the standard sample preparation procedure to separate bacteria from the medium and a subsequent analysis of the medium can expand the test-system working range towards lower LPS concentrations and increase the analytical sensitivity. It has been shown that immobilization of the bovine serum albumin (BSA)-LPS conjugate in the wells of a microplate immunosorbent allows one to obtain a more homogeneous coating than immobilization of LPS itself. We have elaborated 2 test systems for Salmonella detection in foods by competitive ELISA of LPS secreted in medium. In each of the two test systems, the BSA-LPS conjugate is immobilized on the solid phase, and in the liquid phase there are either MAb 5D12A or MAb 10D9H. The sensitivity of the analysis for each test system is 105 CFU/ml. The test system based on MAb 5D12A is advan tageous since it allows detecting all Salmonella regardless of serotype.
A high differentiating potential of seven polymorphic variants has been identified to distinguish between Yorkshire, Belarusian Large White and Belarusian Meat pig breeds bred in Belarus. For the Yorkshire pig breed, a model is proposed including three single nucleotide polymorphisms – Chr.6:g.121005974A>G, Chr.17:g.15827832G>T, Chr.10:g.30081932A>G; for the Belarusian Large White pig breed – Chr.6:g.121005974A>G, Chr.3:g.118879246C>G, Chr.7:g.52269732A>G; for the Belarusian Meat pig breed – Chr.8:g.47482649G>T, Chr.9:g.48882095A>G, Chr.10:g.30081932A>G. The models demonstrate high accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity values. The approach to differentiating pig breeds is based on the technology of сompetitive allele-specific PCR.
The Polesie State Radiation and Ecological Reserve (PSRER) has been operating since 1988 within the Belarusian sector of the evacuation (exclusion) zone after the Chernobyl accident. The specific composition of radionuclide fallout, the presence of fuel particles in ecosystems and the high density of radioactive contamination of the soil determined the “reserve” status of PSRER and long-term strategic aspects of its development. The key objectives of creating PSRER are to implement a set of measures to prevent the removal of radionuclides beyond its territory, the study of the state of natural plant complexes, wildlife, radiation and environmental monitoring, and radio-biological and radio-ecological research. At the same time, despite its high conservation potential, PSRER is not a specially natural protected area (SNPA). The article presents the results of analysis of the compliance of the PSRER territory with the general and special criteria for selecting natural territories for SNPA granting, established by Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Specially Natural Protected Areas”. There are compelling reasons for giving this natural territory the status of SNPA with the category of a reserve: the territory meets 5 general criteria (criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7) and all 3 special criteria presented for declaring natural territories a reserve.
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)