It was shown that the plastome mutation induced by nitrosomethylurea and resulting in the formation of salt tolerant mustard plants of the “SR3” line improved the germination of the mutant seeds and seedlings growth both under water conditions and NaCl salinisation compared to the parent variety “Donskaya-5”. At low and medium salt concentrations (20, 50 and 100 mM) stimulation of seedling growth was noted in both forms of mustard, more pronounced in mutant plants which also contaned a lower amount of reactive oxygen species compared to “Donskaya-5”. In this conditions in both forms of plants it was detected a significant decrease of proline content in comparison with seedlings grown on water with the most difference between control and experimental plants of the line SR3. It was noted a negative effect of higher salt concentrations (150, 200, and 250 mM) on the seedlings growth of both mustard forms with a lesser negative effect of 150 mM salt on the growth of mutant plants. An increase in the salt concentration to 150, 200 and 250 mM NaCl led also to a gradual increase in the proline content, which occurs at a faster rate in the plants of “SR3” line, and ultimately led to a maximum proline content in this variant (718 µg/g of fresh weight) and 404 µg/g of fresh weight in plants of the cultivar “Donskaya-5” at 250 mM NaCl. Under salinization with 100 and 250 mM salt, the ability of SR3 mustard plants to accumulate ALA was significantly higher than in “Donskaya-5” plants by 2.6 and 1.5 times respectively. A high ability of the salt tolerant mutant plants to accumulate ALA was also noted when seedlings were grown under normal conditions in the absence of NaCl (3.8 times higher than in the case of the “Donskaya-5” variety). This supports our earlier assumption that high ability of plants to produce ALA under normal conditions may serve as an indicator of their high stress resistance when exposed to stress.
There are practically no studies on the genetic diversity and phylogeography of the common snipe. At the same time, there is a lot of research in this field for a number of other species of waders. It is known that comparison of phylogeographic data on the widest possible range of species that have an assumed common evolutionary history due to the influence of similar biogeographic, geological and climatic factors is necessary to establish the factors of similarity or differences in the patterns of formation and dynamics of their ranges, the patterns (regularities) of the formation of the population genetic structure. Thereby the goal of this article is to get data on the phylogeography of the common snipe in the Palearctic. The mtDNA control region is used as a genetic marker. As the result of analyzing data on polymorphism of mtDNA control region of common snipe, we have found out that its population is characteristic of low genetic diversity and genetic homogeneity. Also it has been shown that there are some signs of distinct genetic line of common snipe present at the easternmost part of its range in the Palearctic.
It was established that groEL genes can be used as molecular genetic markers for species identification of Rhodococcus bacteria. A restriction analysis scheme was developed for the PCR products of groEL genes using restriction enzymes BglI, NarI, SfiI, SinI, and RseI to identify the species of natural Rhodococcus bacteria. Fifty-two genome loci determining the resistance to stressful environmental condition were annotated in genome of R. pyridinivorans strain 5Ap (i.e. 49 structural and 4 regulatory genes that determine the synthesis of 23 heat shock proteins, 9 universal stress proteins, 17 P450 cytochromes). The unique nucleotide sequences encoding the synthesis of the heat shock protein DnaK (1 plasmid gene) and P450 cytochromes (2 chromosomal and 1 plasmid) were found among these genes. Thus, they can be used for molecular typing of the biotechnological R. pyridinivorans strain 5Ap.
The effect of mycorrhization of regenerants blueberries at the stage of adaptation to ex vitro conditions on the phosphorus content in plants was analyzed. It was found that in blueberry varieties Bluerop and Patriot, after inoculation with the mycorrhizas fungi Phialocephala fortinii and Pezicula sp. after 2.5 months, the content of total phosphorus in plants significantly exceeds the control values in both varieties and with both mushrooms. In adapters, due to the formed mycorrhiza, the ability to absorb phosphorus from the soil increases.
In this work we applied the technique of growing A. thaliana Heynh plants on the surface of a hydrated cellulose film under sterile conditions on the gel environment, which was previously developed at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Using this technique the plant, including the root system, is fully accessible for observation and its leaves and roots are evenly illuminated. Using this technique, the features of the influence of light with a different ratio of physiologically significant spectral ranges on the morphogenesis of A. thaliana were studied. In the LED- irradiators’ spectral composition which contained all photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) wavelengths we varied the ratio of red/blue (R/B) light from 1 to 5, red/(blue-green) (R/(B + G)) from 0.7 to 4.1 and red/far red (R/FR) from 2.6 to 5.6. Luminescent lighting with R/B, R/(B + G) and R/FR ratios of 2, 1 and 11.9, respectively, was used as a control. The obtained results indicate that the growth of the aerial part and the root system, the synthesis of chlorophyll, the accumulation of dry matter of A. thaliana can be stimulated by increasing the level of red and by decreasing the level of far red light (in the presence of all other parts of PAR), reaching their certain ratio in the spectrum of LED lighting. The most effective spectral composition for the accumulation of dry and wet mass of the aerial part, the synthesizing of chlorophyll as well as for the formation of a branched root system was LED-lighting with R/B, R/(B + G) and R/FR ratios of 4, 2 and 5.6 respectively. In addition, under LED illumination of all variants, plants formed peduncles on average 5-6 days earlier and their number was greater than under luminescent one.
The zoobenthos of the cross-board (Belarus-Latvia) lake Sita was studied. The registered 47 taxa of benthic fauna from the species and taxa above the species. The bottom fauna includes a protected relict species Pallaseopsis qudrispinosa, listed in the Red book of Belarus. Chironomid larvae formed the basis of the abundance and biomass excluded molluscs. The lake belongs to mesotrophic type according to the average abundance and biomass zoobenthos.
Spatial heterogeneity has been established in the depth distribution of the entire community, individual groups, and species. Taxonomic diversity decreased with increased depth, fall of temperature and oxygen concentration. Abundance grows from the littoral to a depth of 10 meters and then gradually decreases to the maximum depth. The biomass was determined largely by the presence of molluscs, maximum values are marked at depth 5,4 meters. The population of the species is confined to certain depths. For closely related species, there is a partial or complete division of ecological niche.
The Dnieper River basin in Belarus was studied in 2016-2019. In total, 201 species and forms of macro-zoobenthos were found and 146 of them were identified to the species level. New habitats of several protected species (Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788, Anax imperator Leach, 1815, Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785) and Gomphus flavipes Char-pentier, 1825) and one alien species (Paramysis lacustris (Czerniavsky, 1882)) have been recorded in Belarus.
The differences in the response to the action of fullerene of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L., cultivar Yakub) grown in water culture (in distillated water or Knop’s nutrient solution) with the addition of fullerene C60 (10 or 50 mg/l) were studied. The content of chlorophyll, flavonols, and nitrogen balance index (NBI) were evaluated in the 1st leaf during the growing. At the end of the experiment, the relative rate of water loss (RWL) by the leaves was determined, as well as the dry mass of the roots and shoots.
The effect of fullerene on the physiological and biochemical parameters of barley plants depended on the concentration of these nanoparticles and the presence of nutrients in the cultivation medium. Under the action of 10 mg/l of fullerene, all investigated parameters were mainly maintained at the level of control values. At the same time, exposure to 50 mg/l of fullerene stimulated a decrease in the content of chlorophyll and flavonols in the first leaf, increased the relative loss of water by the leaves, and slowed down the growth of barley plants grown in water. When 50 mg/l of fullerene was added to the Knop solution, the chlorophyll content in the first leaf increased, the accumulation of flavonols practically did not change, and the NBI increase was more prolonged. In this case, the dry mass of shoots increased, and no significant changes in the relative loss of water by the leaves and root growth were noted. It is assumed that differences in the sensitivity of plants to fullerene during their growth in water and Knop’s nutrient solution are associated, on the one hand, with their anatomical, morphological, and physiological and biochemical characteristics, including the activity of detoxification mechanisms, and, on the other, with possible changes in physicochemical properties nanoparticles in a solution of salts, activation of the delivery of nutrients with the help of fullerene and the influence on the processes that cause the aging of the first leaf to slow down.
It is known that optimal source of samples for diagnostic of apple proliferation phytoplasma in autumn is roots. In case of the occurrence of pronounced characteristic symptoms - “witches’ broom”, can be used symptomatic shoots.
Real-time PCR with primer pair Phyto-F/Phyto-R and probe Phyto-P and nested PCR with primer pair P1/Tint and fO1/ rO1 can be used to detect Candidatus Phytoplasma mali with a high degree of sensitivity and reproducibility.
Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of Belarusian isolates with the sequences presented in EMBL/GenBank showed that all Belarusian phytoplasma isolates detected on apple cultivars Alesya, Syabryna, Pamyat Sikory belong to species Candidatus Phytoplasma mali. The nucleotide sequences are placed in international database (EMBL/GenBank) with identification numbers (LR701160, LR701188, LR701436, LR701155, LR701438, LR701439, LR701440). The identity of the nucleotide sequences of region of 16S rRNA gene of Belarusian samples of Ca. P. mali ranged from 99.7 to 100.0 %, and hflB gene region ranged from 99.6 to 100.0 %.
The features of the anxiolytic action of natural (medicinal plant raw materials (MPR) and phytocomposition based on Patrinia intermedia, Valerian tablets) and synthetic (oleanolic acid) objects were studied. It was found that the MPR of Patrinia intermedia (1.7 mg/kg of saponins in terms of oleanolic acid) and the phytocomposition “Patrinia” (3.6 mg/kg of saponins in terms of oleanolic acid) reduced situational anxiety in socially active male ICR mice in an elevated plus maze, exceeding the anxiolytic effect of Valerian and oleanolic acid (the main aglicon of triterpene saponins in the roots and rhizomes of Patrima intermedia), used in doses of 5.0-20.0 mg/kg. It was revealed that «Patrinia» did not show activity in relation to the genetically determined pathologically increased basic anxiety in BALB / c mice in the “Cubic Box” test.
Ecological-floristic and phytocenotic analysis of vegetation on routes of oil-, gas-and otherproductpipelines and electric transmission lines was carried out. Ecological and geobotanical research of the structure and state of vegetation was carried out with the use of the method of ecological-phytocenotic profiles or transects. A total 72 transects with 450 sample plots were placed. It was found out that building and maintenance of pipelines and electric transmission lines is a catastrophic factor for the vegetation cover in general and for functioning of natural ecosystems, especially forest ecosystems. Meadow ecosystems are characterized by a lesser transformation of phytocenoses (especially under electric transmission lines) and by the fastest demutation succession due to the genefond of local herbs. The regularity of synanthropization of plant communities in all ecosystems with routes of pipelines and electric transmission lines was noted: the concentration of synanthropes, including invasive advents, is the greatest on the open space of the routes (in the center) and decreases sharply with distance from it. Grassy plants dominate along pipelines and electric transmission lines, while trees and shrubs get activated in case of insufficient care. In the absence of mowing and plowing the development of trees and shrubs is accompanied by an abundance of large grasses. Routes of pipelines and electric transmission lines are polygones and migration channels for segetals-explerents, expansion ruderals and invasive plant species. On these routes 90 invasions were revealed. At the same time there are the best opportunities for the development of grass communities on these routes, including rare and unique communities, subject to appropriate measures for the care of these areas (not continuous plowing, regular mowing, cutting of undergrowth and shrubs). The state and prospects of development of vegetation on routes of pipelines and electric transmission lines are directly dependent on the quality of their servicing, including uprooting and plowing.
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)