
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Vol 65, No 3 (2020)
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263-274 529

The physiological and biochemical responses in spring barley plants to infection with a hemibiotrophic phytopathogenic fungus B. sorokiniana was studied. It was found that these responses of the plant organism are regulated by signaling pathways with the participation of the salicylic acid mediator (SA) and are associated with oxidative stress-localized accumulation of reactive oxygen molecules (ROS) in infected cells and/or neighboring cells. The activation of the microsomal fraction of NADPH oxidase isolated from barley leaves on days 1 and 3 after fungal infection was revealed, which is known to be responsible for the rapid formation of ROS in plant cells under the influence of fungal infection. At the same time, an increase in the activity of the peroxidase enzyme detoxifying ROS, in particular Н2О2, was observed in relation to the control (uninfected plants) by 1.6 and 2.2 times on the 1st and 3rd day after exposure, respectively. The inclusion of antioxidant defense mechanisms led to the stabilization of lipid peroxidation processes several days after infection. A reliable increase in the total content of water-soluble phenolic substances in the infected plant tissues was shown to have a protective effect on plants under stress, as well as an increase in the free pool of endogenous SA by 9 and 30 % during the first 24 hours and the next 3 days after infection, respectively.

The data obtained indicate that endogenous SА is involved in the responses to infection of B. sorokiniana barley seedlings and is a necessary factor for the activation of SAR (systemic acquired resistance), which manifests itself in the accumulation of free SА and a decrease in its conjugated form in response to infection.

275-282 585

The article presents the first data on the haplotype diversity of the Przhevalsky horse population in the Chernobyl exclusion zone and discusses the conservation status of this species in Belarus. It is shown that at present the Przhevalsky horse constantly lives in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the form of a stable population group of individuals with a typical exterior and a haplotypic originality in a state of natural freedom. Data from a genetic analysis based on polymorphism of the control region of the D-loop mitochondrial DNA show that the Przhevalsky horse population has the same haplotype with individuals of the Ukrainian part of the population and a pronounced genetic distance from other descendants of this species from Askania-Nova. Based on the rarity of the Przhevalsky horse in the world and, accordingly, the high international conservation status, and also taking into account the value and significance of a freely living population in the Chernobyl exclusion zone for the natural survival of the species as a whole the species Equus caballus przewalskii is recommended for inclusion in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

283-291 531

It was shown that the preparation “Immunact-GK” based on β-1,3-glucan exerts a multilateral positive effect on tomato plants grown under conditions of low-volume hydroponics in protected ground. In particular, it has a stimulating effect on the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments and the photochemical activity of PS II in chloroplast membranes, induces the accumulation of phenolic compounds, promotes the generation of ROS, which perform a signaling function and start a natural internal defense mechanisms, contributes to stabilize the level of oxidative processes in tomato leaves. It has been established that under manufacturing conditions, the preparation “Immunact-GK” provides an increase in tomato yield up to 5 kg/m2 and exceeds the efficiency of the native growth regulator “Ecosil”.

292-298 725

Molecular genetic analysis of DNA patient with cystic fibrosis to determine the nature of mutation to be the reason of this disease. DNA was obtained from fibroblast of given patient according to generally known methods. For that a pair of primers to DNA fragment in 10 exon were a mutation conditioning cystic fibrosis was designed. With help PCR-amplification an amplicon containing desired mutation. The electrophoresis of amplified material one band in DNA of which about 153 nucleotides are contained has shown. The nature and sequence of nucleotides in this fragments were established. A comparison of sequence date for this fragments of cystic fibrosis patient with date of health human has shown existence of mutation on the level of 10 exons at position 1521-1523 of the coding sequence of the CFTR gene, which is the loss of 3 pairs of nucleotides, which, according to conventional ideas, refers to the F508del mutation. The analysis sequence date allowed attribute to compound heterozogotes.

299-309 544

The effect of the manganese (II) chloride addition at concentrations of 0.01-25.0 mg/l in the nutrient medium on chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids in Chlorella vulgaris cells of C 111 IBCE C-19 strain was studied during cultivation for 40 days. It was found, that the dynamics of all three photosynthetic pigments was possessed fluctuating character and, in general, was the same type. Using all versions of nutrient medium, marked shifts in content of photosynthesis pigments on 7-10, 22-28 and 28-34 days were revealed. In some cases, additional changes to above mentioned ones have been identified. The pattern found was generally the same as described earlier for intracellular protein content and confirms the presence of functional metabolic reorganizations of the chlorella cells in the growth dynamics of the culture. According to the state of the photosynthetic pigments, the cells of the chlorella culture remain in the metabolically active state even of 40 days after the beginning of cultivation. 

310-318 684

The seasonal pattern of phytoplankton taxonomical composition and phytoplankton chlorophyll а content from pelagial and littoral locations with and without macrophyte beds in two interconnected lakes (north-west of Belarus) under contrasting trophic conditions were studied. We estimated influence of hydrochemical parameters on phytoplankton in studied lakes. There was “a clear water phase” in pelagial and low phytoplankton abundance in littoral of mesotrophic Lake Obsterno but we revealed a brief pulse of Chrysophyta and “a late spring bloom” with high total phytoplankton abundance in shallow macrophyte-covered low trophic state Lake Nobisto. It was found some prominent differences in total phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition in littoral and pelagial locations of both lakes. We used Phyto-Pam phytoplankton analyser for analysis of algae pigments. Phyto-Pam method allowed roughly identify two types of pigments - pigments of green algae and diatoms and revealed differences in concentrations of pigments between littoral locations and pelagial in both lake types. Results indicated that total chlorophyll a content has a pronounced seasonal cycle with high values during the early fall and low values throughout the late spring in mesotrophic lake and have shown differences in phytoplankton pigments between lakes littoral locations.

319-327 660

This article describes successful insertion the cDNA glucoamylase from Aspergillus awamori into the integrative vector for filamentous fungi pH4Hyg using the CPEC (circular polymerase extension cloning) strategy. The prior step was the PCR amplification of the cDNA glaA gene cloned into a vector based on the plasmid pBluescript II SK(-) and the amplification of linear pH4Hyg vector with promotor and terminator of the glaA gene. The PCR products were purified and used for CPEC reaction. The CPEC product was formed after 20 cycles of the reaction. It is proposed to use the final plasmid pH4HygPTgla in engineering of filamentous fungi strains producing stable forms of glucoamylase with biotechnological interest.

328-341 689

A clinical case of primary congenital glaucoma, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy and periventricular leukomalacia in a premature newborn is presented. The search for pathogenic variants by the method of new generation whole exome sequencing was performed. The genes of surfactant proteins, genes associated with angiogenesis, renin-angiotensin and antioxidant systems were analyzed, considering the data on the multifactorial etiology of the studied complications. The molecular genetic factors for congenital glaucoma development in the premature newborn were revealed: p.E229K CYP1B1 and p.R76K MYOC, as well as polymorphisms in the genes of surfactant proteins SFTPB (rs1130866, VNTR intron 4) and SFTPC (rs4715, rs1124), vascular endothelial growth factor VEGFA (rs2010963), nitric oxide synthase 3 NOS3 (rs1799983), insulin growth factor binding protein 3 IGFBP3 (rs2854746), catalase CAT (rs7943316), associated with the development of the studied disabling complications in the premature newborn.


342-351 482

It is necessary to find and develop new methods for evaluating open air pollution by volatile organic compounds due to the current changes in the structure of industrial production. While applying these methods, plants can be used quite efficiently. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to study the nature and conditions of change of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids content in the urban habitat herbaceous plants leaves at different doses of volatile organic compounds and their mixtures effect under the specified experimental conditions.

The results of the experiment show that our hypothesis has been confirmed. It is the following: there are features and conditions of formation in reed fescue plants photosynthetic pigments of different levels under the effect of different amounts of pollutants having various volatility at different stages after their appending. Groups of substances which have the equal effect on pigment content have also been identified: pentane and hexane (have a strong effect) at early stages after treatment; benzene, benz(a)pyrene and o-xylol (have a weaker effect); butylacetate has practically no inhibitory effect; later: benz(a)pyrene, o-xylol and pentane (have a strong effect); butylacetate, hexane and benzene (have a weaker effect).

The results of the studies can be used to develop a method for evaluating open air pollution by volatile organic compounds using herbaceous plants pigments. They contribute to the study of the toxic effects of volatile organic compounds on the change in photosynthetic pigments content.

352-357 433

The article presents the results of research and analysis of the experience of introduction and using of representatives of the genus Chamaecyparis Spach. in Belarus. Cultivars of Sawara Cypress are promising for cultivation throughout the republic. Cultivars of Lawson Cypress and Nootka Cypress are recommended to be used mainly in the western and southwestern regions, in the central part and northern regions, plants should be planted in places protected from winds or use covering for the winter. From among the cultivars of ‎⌠Hinoki Cypress in the covering culture, dwarf forms that do not exceed 0.5 m in height can be used. Representatives of the genus Chamaecyparis Spach. have a sufficiently high regenerative ability of stem cuttings. Their rooting ranges in most studied cultivars from 60 to 100 %, which allows to organize the cultivation of planting material in local conditions.

358-364 810

In this study, complete chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes of wild (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum) and cultivated (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) barley forms were compared to evaluate the diversity of these genomes within the species.

NGS (next generation sequencing) was conducted for mixtures of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA of 17 barley samples. The chloroplast DNA was obtained from the fraction of these organelles, isolated by differential centrifugation. Such fraction contained an admixture of mitochondrial DNA, which made it possible to conduct sequencing of both genomes simultaneously. The NGS data processing algorithm included some features to prevent mistakes during the alignment of reads from the homology regions within and between the genomes. Five sequences of barley chloroplast genome and two sequences of mitochondrial genome accessible in NCBI GenBank were also involved in the full-genome comparative analysis.

Comparison of 22 complete barley chloroplast genome sequences revealed a high level of diversity of these genomes within Hordeum vulgare. There were 107 polymorphic loci: 9 INDELs, 79 SNPs and 19 polymorphisms of SSR-regions (simple sequence repeats). Twenty from 79 found SNPs were located in coding sequences.

Analysis of 19 complete sequences of mitochondrial genomes (8 H. vulgare subsp. vulgare and 11 H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum) showed a lower level of variability of these organelles: 1 INDEL and 22 SNP (4 in coding sequences). Two SNPs were found in one of the genes of the small subunit of ribosomes and two were located in the exon of a pseudogene.

The results of the study proved the applicability of NGS of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA mixtures to the obtaining of complete sequences of these genomes. Revealed polymorphic loci could be used for barley intraspecific identification and phylogeny.

365-373 451

The article analyzes practical approaches to the use of growth regulators and herbicides in practice in order to limit the number of dandelion medicinal in lawn grass and regulate the growth of lawn grasses. On the basis of their own experimental data, the most effective compositions for solving these problems have been established.

374-378 593

The horse chestnut leaf-miner (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, 1986) is alien to the fauna of Belarus, an invasive species of mining phytophages, the main pest of horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum L. in Belarus. The annually observed C. ohridella mass outbreaks lead to the fact that the crowns lose their natural appearance and defoliate earlier, that affects the decorative and recreational qualities of green areas catastrophically. Based on the data of long-term (2013-2019) studies, a quantitative assessment of the physiological damage ability, ecologically conditioned and the general harmfulness of horse chestnut leaf-miner in all 5 regions of woody plants introduction in Belarus is given. The values of the indicators of physiological damage ability and general harmfulness were statistically different for most regions of woody plants introduction. They were minimal for the North and maximum for the Southern regions of woody plants introduction in Belarus.

379-384 478

It is known that many strains of bacteria genus Bacillus are able to stimulate plant growth and increase plant productivity. However information about their influence on green cultures quality is not enough.

The purpose of work was studying of two strains bacteria B. subtilis М9/6 and B. amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ influence on Eruca sativa plant quality in the laboratory. It was obtained that eruca quality was higher when we used strains B. subtilis М9/6 and B. amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ at a concentration of 106 cells/ml and 10 and 5 ml/l of peat substrate, respectively. They increased content of water-soluble carbohydrates, vitamin C and reduced content of nitrates in leaves. Content of vitamin P and vitamin B2 and plant productivity were at the level of control values.

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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)