
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Vol 63, No 3 (2018)
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263-275 987

The effect of NaCl (25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 mM) on the productivity of the Haematococcus pluvialis strain IBCE H-17 on such parameters as dry biomass, content of protein, photosynthetic pigments, as well as astaxanthin and reactive oxygen species (ROS) was studied. It was found that NaCl at low and medium concentrations (25, 50 and 100 mM) in the culture medium stimulated the accumulation of dry biomass during the first 7 days of cultivation on average 1,3 times as compared to the control (Rudik’s standard medium). After 12 days of incubation, stimulation averaged 33 % using 25 and 50 mM salt. The protein content on a dry weight basis fell, averaging 70 % of the control on the 7th day of incubation with 50–300 mM salt and 55 % on the 12th day for a salt concentration of 100–300 mM. When the algae was grown for 7 days on solutions containing NaCl, the total content of photosynthetic pigments – chlorophylls (Chl) a and b as well as the carotenoids neoxanthine, violaxanthin, lutein and β-carotene decreased. Chl b was more resistant to salinity than Chl a. Of all the pigments, NaCl exerts the greatest negative effect on β-carotene. Stress conditions created by NaCl led to the generation of ROS, in particular, after 7 days of cultivation the total ROS content in the “NaCl-100” variant was 1.7 times higher than that in the control culture and 3.0 times higher than the control in the 12-day culture. A significant positive effect of salinity on the content of astaxanthin was noted. The maximum effect was observed with 100 mM NaCl. After 7 days of incubation, the content of astaxanthin exceeded the control indices by 2.8 times, and after 12 days – by 20.5 times. The number of algae cells after 7 days of incubation in the “NaCl-100” variant decreased on average by 33 %, while the cell diameter increased by 29 %. 

276-285 691

The article deals with the peculiarities of the synanthropic component of the flora of the Pripyat Polesie – a natural region located in the southern part of Belarus. It is represented by 810 species of vascular plants that can grow in disturbed human habitats. Among the synanthropic species, 563 taxons (69.5 % of their total number) are adventitious (or anthropophytes), and 247 (or 30.5 %) are aboriginal (apophytes) in relation to the flora under consideration. The geographic structure of the apophytes of the flora of Pripyat Polesie indicates their wide range and weak zonal confinement. Anthropophytes have a more complex genesis with respect to the time and manner of skidding, as well as the degree of naturalization in the natural ecosystems of the southern part of Belarus. They are based on a group of plant species of ancient mediterranean origin. The biomorphological features of the synanthropic species, as well as their relation to environmental factors such as moisture and soil fertility, show that in the process of synanthropization and anthropogenic transformation, the natural flora and natural vegetation cover acquire features characteristic of phytophores in more southern areas.

286-297 904

The increasing of the number of the species of mammals there was not less than 28 %, for birds – 129 % within the last century owing to the synanthropization of fauna of vertebrate animals in residential landscape of the southwest of Belarus. The synanthropic population of Vertebrata includes 42 species of mammals, 104 species of birds, 3 species of reptiles and 12 species of amphibiouses in general. Except the obligate sinanthropic species, that integrated in synanthropic ecological complex in residential ecosystems the group of sporadic and synanthropic species (101 species) is widely provided in which modern structure numerous species make 13 %, usual – 45, rare – 35, very rare – 7 %. The synanthropization exponent (offered in article) calculated for taxonomical or ecological groups of Vertebrate allows to note that now in southwest part of Belarus to process of synantropization amphibiouses are most subject (extent of synanthropization 0.62), to the smallest – reptile (0.22), and birds and mammals are intermediate (respectively 0.29 and 0.36). The new species of vertebrate animals which are settled in the territory of the Brest region in the last century from the northern and northeast directions belong generally to eurytopic species, southern and southwest – to synanthropic species.

298-306 605

14 SRAP-RGA primer combinations and 8 EST-SSR markers were tested on the collection of 10 different yellow lupine samples. The most efficient primers for intravarietal differentiation of yellow lupine were distinguished according their parameters. Reliable correlations were determined between the presence of EST-SSR fragments and some characteristics of productivity in hybrid (F2 ) yellow lupine populations.


307-315 643

Microbial surfactants are multifunctional products because they cannot only reduce the surface tension at the interface and emulsify various substrates, but also display antimicrobial and anti-adhesion activity (including the ability to destroy biofilms). However, under various conditions of producer’s cultivation the surfactant composition and their properties can vary. One of the approaches to increasing antimicrobial and anti-adhesion activity of the surfactant can be an increase in medium of producer cultivation content of activators of key enzymes biosynthesis of aminolipids − the most effective antimicrobial agents. Activators of NADP+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 are cations of calcium, magnesium and zinc, Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 – calcium.

Surfactants were extracted from supernatant of cultural liquid by mixture of chloroform and methanol (2:1). Antimicrobial activity of surfactants was determined by index of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), antiadhesive − by spectrophotometry. The degree of biofilm destruction was determined as difference between the number of adhered cells in untreated and treated with surfactant holes of polystyrene immunological plate containing pre-formed biofilm of test cultures and was expressed as a percentage. It was found that addition of CaCl2 (0.1 g/l) into medium cultivation of R. erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, increasing concentration of this salt to 0.4 g/l in medium for N. vaccinii IMV B-7405 growth, introduction of CaCl2 (0.1 g l) and increasing MgSO4 ·7H2O content to 0.2 g/l, or adding Zn2+ (38 μM) into medium cultivation of A. calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 was accompanied by synthesis of surfactants MICs of which against test cultures were 1.2–13 times lower, their adhesion on abiotic surfaces treated with such surfactants was on average 10−40 % lower, and the degree of biofilms destruction was 7−20 % higher than indicators established for surfactants obtained on the base medium. The obtained data indicate the possibility of regulating antimicrobial and anti-adhesion activity of microbial surfactants under producer cultivation.


316-327 793

Results of long-term stationary research on influence of the pyrogenic factor on the efficiency and the postfire condition of forest phytocenoses of Belarus are presented. It has been found out that the size of the postfire falling off of trees and their radial gain in plantations of the main forest forming breeds are determined by the type and intensity of a fire, the forest and taxation characteristics of forest stands as well as biological features of tree species. Dependence of the size of the postfire falling off by the quantity of trees and a stock in pine, spruce, birch and black alder plantations on their average diameter and average height of deposit on trunks are revealed at the ground fires, depths of burn-out of organic horizons of the soil and damage rate of root systems of trees – at the soil fires. The description of scales for identification of damage rate in plantations of the main forest forming breeds from fires and their fire resistance is given. The reforestation methods in the burnt-out places in various forest vegetation conditions which provide formation of biologically steady and highly productive plantations of economic valuable tree species are presented. There is a card of forest fire division into districts of the territory of Belarus on the basis of which types and volumes of actions for fire-prevention arrangement of the forest fund of the legal entities which conduct forestry for the purpose of minimization of the area of wildfires and their consequences are differentiated.

328-334 529

During the study of the promoter region of the TaSAP-Al gene on the allelic composition of Sap5, Sap39 and Sap2606 loci, it was shown that winter wheat varieties and lines from the collection used in the selection process in the Republic of Belarus in 2014 refer to 4 haplotypes and most of the tested samples (45.6 %) belongs to the haplotype II. It was found that the haplotype IV contributes to an increase in thousand-kernel weight and yield by 5.2 and 9.2 %, and haplotype I – an increase in spike length and total number of spikelets per spike by 4.4 and 2.2 % compared with the average values of these indicators. It was also found that the presence of deletion at position –1810 bp has a positive effect on spike length, total number of spikelets per spike and yield, the presence of insertion at position –1637 bp – spike length, and the presence of deletion in this position – on yield. The positive effect of SNP-2606C at position –2606 bp on thousand-kernel weight, spike length and yield was shown.

335-338 455

The study revealed the results of the comparative analysis of the deoxyribonucleoproteid complex (chromatin) lipid composition in the callus and explant nuclei of plants, belonging to different systematic groups (winter rye, potatoes, peas). It provided the data on the phospho- and neutral lipid composition of the investigated plants and showed that the phospholipid content in the explants from dormant winter rye seed embryos and potato stems, having low metabolic activity, is significantly higher than in the calluses in the stage of active proliferation. Both winter rye and potato calluses tend to have a lower share of neutral lipids, including sterols, in their composition. The revealed factors can be used as markers of metabolic activity of the plant cell biology objects (callus and cell cultures).


339-349 584

It was established that for in vitro rhyzogenesis of apple rootstock 106-13 it is better to use medium with 1/2 MS macro- and microsalts supplemented with IBA in concentration of 0.5 mg/l without use of etiolation (the yield of rooted microplants was 90.0 % with a coefficient of root system development – 1.14 ± 0.18). For in vitro rhyzogenesis of apple rootstock 54-118, it is better to use medium with 1/3 MS macro and microsalts, supplemented with IBA in concentration of 1.0 mg/l without etiolation (the yield of rooted microplants was 85.35 % with a coefficient of root system development – 0.53 ± 0.12). The positive effect of etiolation on root system growth depended on cultivar. For rootstock 54-118, the use of etiolation stimulated the growth of roots on medium with 1/3 MS macro- and microsalts combined with IBA in concentration of 1.0 mg/l (until the end of subculture). Use of etiolation inhibited the root system growth of rootstock 106-13 microplants until the end of subculture both on medium with 1/2 MS macro- and microsalts and on medium with 1/3 MS macro- and microsalts, but it stimulated root formation of rootstock 106-13. However, use of 7 days etiolation at stage of in vitro rhyzogenesis of rootstocks 106-13 and 54-118 is not expedient, because it does not stimulate the increase in the number of rooted microplants at the end of subculture.

350-357 540

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the species Bryum in Belarus bryoflora. The genus Bryum has 400–450 species and is represented on the territory of Belarus 31 species, 4 of which are given for the republic for the first time.


358-364 682

Information is given on geographical distribution and causes of decline of populations in the natural environment of protected species iris dwarf (I. pumila L.).Gives a brief description of the biological characteristics and the necessity of saving iris in Botanical gardens. Studied the adaptive properties of 5 samples of I. pumila of different geographical origin in the conditions of introduction in the Central Botanical garden of NAS of Belarus. Pronalazenje established phases of regeneration, budding, flowering and fruiting in the local context. Confirmed by literary data about the fragility of I. pumila in the culture: the plants fall to 3–4 year of life. The expediency of sexual reproduction dwarf iris in order to preserve the collection Fund. Tested 2 methods of seed propagation. The most interesting in the decorative plants. Evaluated the adaptive capacity of 8 varieties of miniature dwarf irises foreign selection, created with the participation of I. pumila. Conducted primary and comparative grade score, including ornamental and economic-biological features of varieties. Long-term observations revealed that in the conditions of introduction of miniature dwarf irises are all the stages of ontogenesis, yearly flower and fruit. Winter without shelter. Relatively resistant to diseases and pests. The use of wild I. pumila in gardening is limited by its biological features. Varieties, differing variety of colors, due to the early timing of flowering, abundant flowering and high rate of vegetative propagation is recommended for use in landscaping plantings.

365-373 617

For the first time for water bodies of Belarus, based on studies (2008–2015), the main fertility parameters for eight alien species of amphipods were established . The minimum sizes of individuals for which identification of sex and the size of sexual maturation is possible are presented. The ranges of the body length of the egg-bearing females and the average sizes of the breeding individuals were determinate. The sizes and number of eggs are given at three stages of development for females of different age groups. Absolute and relative fertility were revealed. It is established that the number of eggs in the brood bag correlates with the size and weight of the female; the dependences of fecundity on the length and weight of the female were calculated. The theoretical possible number of litters in the period of reproduction of animals in the conditions of the obtained range was determined. The obtained results differed insignificantly with the literature data from regions with similar climatic conditions, that was determined mainly by various ecological conditions.

374-381 527

The authors of this paper theoretically substantiated the cancer treatment method, using in situ activation of dendritic cells with intratumoral injection of two molecular “danger signals” of bacterial origin – plasmid DNA containing unmethylated CpG-dinucleotides and cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (cyclo-diGMP). Based on literature data it might be presumed that this procedure is capable to release from the dying cancer cells a large number of tumor-associated mutant proteins, to recruit effector immune cells into the tumor bed, to activate dendritic cells and as a result to induce a potent anti-cancer T-cellular immune response leading to elimination of both primary solid tumors and possible metastases.


ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)