
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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No 3 (2016)
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5-8 553

There has been shown a positive impact of biocompost in the composition of substrate on growth and development of seedlings of ornamental woody plants.

9-12 499

The effect of exogenous 5-ALA (concentration 10–6–10–11 %) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) (53–78 GHz, the exposure time – 8, 12 and 20 min) on black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) growth processes and seed oil composition were estimate. In field experiments dose-dependent effect of the treatments on the growth processes of black cumin has been shown. Differences in the oil fatty-acid composition after EMR and 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) pre-treatment was established.

13-16 601

Mycological analysis of samples taken in 2011–2015 from indoor environments found that in case of temporary local increase of material moisture in buildings with poor air exchange the highest frequency of occurrence belongs to fungi of the genus Aspergillus. A. flavus, A. versicolor and A. niger occur in different building materials more often than other species. The species isolated from museum objects and archival documents possess xerotolerant properties.

17-22 520

Apple trees of different cultivars growing in Belarus were tested using RT-PCR for Apple mosaic virus, an important economically and common pathogens in commercial orchards. Viral infected apple trees (1.5 %) were detected in the modern horticultural plantations and were not found among the old trees aged more than 50 years. The fragments of ApMV coat protein gene were cloned and sequenced. The analysis of their nucleotide sequences showed that the identity between them ranged from 98.9 to 99.6 %. The analysis of evolutionary relationships of nucleotide sequences obtained in this study and their homologs from the GenBank database revealed that the similarity between the viral genotypes was observed both between the isolates from various plants growing in the same geographical region, as well as between the isolates obtained from the same plant species, growing in different geographic regions. This picture was probably formed as a result of two methods of apple mosaic virus propagation: vegetative and mechanical.

23-28 626

On the basis of COI gen polymorphism analysis it can be concluded that on the territory of Belarus individuals of Eurasian oystercatcher with haplotypes from habitat area of H. o. ostralegus and H. o. longipes are present. The last confirms suggestion about nesting on the north-west of Belarus H. o. ostralegus.

29-32 644

Spirulina platensis grown under blue light showed a decrease in both reduced glutathione content and glutathione reductase activity and, as a result, accumulation of oxidized form of enzyme in its cells. This lowered Spirulina platensis stress tolerance and was one of the causes of its decreased productivity.

33-40 1708

Based on the study of osteological material from the excavation of the ancient city a species composition of fish (18 species) is given. Defined the age for 14 species of fish, the sizes for 5 species. It was found that the main commercial species for the inhabitants of the ancient city were vimba Vimba vimba (L.) (27.0 % of the total number of subfossil residues), bream Abramis brama (L.) (22.5 %) and common dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) (11.8 %). Subfossil collection is characterized by a high proportion of migratory species of fish and rheophilic (53,1 %), including the disappeared from the Western Dvina in Belarus, the Baltic sturgeon and trout ordinary that revealed for the first time for Belarussian arheoichthyological research. Fishing in XIII – XVI centuries based on the older age groups of fish (4 to 15) as opposed to fishing in the XX – beginning of XXI century, when fishing load falls mainly on the younger age groups of fish (2 to 3).

41-45 510

The monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) is one of the alien species of fish in Belarussia. The food spectrum and age variability in the diet of the monkey goby from the lower part of the Dnieper River in Bragin region were researched (August 2015). Dominant position in the diet of all age groups of this goby is among chironomid larvae. The food spectrum of the monkey goby in age 3+ and 4+ is the most various, mainly due to consumption of mollusks.

46-51 578

Over the last decades for some bird species it was registered a noticeable change in timing of spring migration in Europe toward its earlier start. In the present study we show the mechanisms of influence of climatic factors: Index of the North Atlantic Oscillation and mean temperature on the timing, duration and rate of spring migration and breeding waders in the south of Belarus. Identified long-term trends on timing of arrival and nesting lapwing Vanellus vanellus, according to early or normal spring.

52-56 515

On the basis of karyology research presents an analysis of the spread of Sorex araneus chromosomal races in Belarus. Caught specimens belong to three races: Białowieza (Bi), Nerussa (Ne), and Kiev (Ki). In contrast to the territories of contiguous countries, the populations of the common shrew of Belarus are characterized by strongly a pronounced karyotypic polymorphism.

57-65 486

With the increase of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment from relatively natural complexes to the total agricultural and recreational-urbanized suburbs revealed a decrease in the number of owl species (from 9 to 3) and changing species composition of their assemblage. In this direction in species composition as a whole showed an increase in the dominance of its relative lack of natural Paazierre forest to the absolute domination of one species in highly transformed territories, as well as the disappearance of rare species, reducing the representation of forest species and the increase of synanthropic species, and other positive and negative changes in the proportions of different species at various stages of transformation. All these changes in species composition occur on the background of reducing the total density of populations of owls and the differently directed changes in the density of populations of species of owls in the territories of different anthropogenic transformation. It is also found that with the increase of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment changes significantly the size structure assemblage owls in the direction of increasing the proportion of smaller species.

66-69 702

The stimulatory effect of exogenous 5-Aminolevulinic acid (200 mg/l) on the accumulation of anthocyanins, proline and non-covalently bound to proteins heme in cotyledons of 7-day-old plants of winter rape has been determined. Inhibitory effect of exogenous ALA on the content of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids was observed.

70-75 638

It was established that in assessing transport glutathione conjugates from erythrocytes by the action N-acetylcysteine there is tendency to increase activity both ABCC1 and RLIP76. The latter, apparently, seems to make a certain contribution to the GSH-independent transport of xenobiotics from the erythrocytes. Using the fluorescent dye calcein was shown that transport activity of MRP1 during detoxification of xenobiotics, conjugated with glutathione, does not depend on the pool of free glutathione.

76-80 885

The are studies examined activity and number of molecular forms of peroxidase for the new plants cultivated Dioscorea alata L. on modified substrates TRIONA ® using different hydrogels in artificial conditions in order to identify stress factors by using the electrophoretic. It was found the peroxidase to leaves of Dioscorea alata L. represent sensitive sensor to change humidity root environment, regulated by using the hydrogels.

81-84 557

As a result of transposon mutagenesis of bacteria Pseudomonas brassicacearum BIM B-446, more than 100 mutants were selected and characterized with different antimicrobial activity, the synthesis of fluorescent pigments and mobility, comparing with original strain. Molecular genetic analysis of four mutants revealed that changing’s in studied properties were caused by inserting a mini-Tn5 transposon in the regulatory genes (transcription factors), that determinate regulation of the general metabolism of the bacterial cell.

85-89 622

The article presents a detailed analysis of the European geographical element of the flora of the Prypiackaje Paliessie. Describe each of the sub with typical examples and the distribution of species on solar-climatic zones. Estimated chorological features of European species.

90-93 471

The completed industrial tests of Teamine action demonstrated that its introduction into biochemical absorption unit resulted in complete regeneration of process solution containing triethylamine and dimethylethylamine in concentrations 113 and 117 mg/l, respectively. The achieved decontamination level enables to recommend Teamine for further broad application.

94-100 958

Analysis of antibiotic resistance of collection and isolated from homemade dairy products strains of lactic acid bacteria belonging to genera Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Leuconostoc was performed. Similarity of phenotypic profiles of antibiotic resistance of lactococci and enterococci was established. It was shown, that collection strains L. lactis possess resistance to broader spectrum of antibiotics as compared to strains, isolated from homemade dairy products. Phenotypic resistance to antibiotics does not always correlate with presence of genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance, thus monitoring of this feature should be performed both on phenotypic and genotypic levels.

101-104 745

This article is a review of taxonomic problems of genus Carassius, possible causes of explosive-like increase in the number of goldfish C. auratus in the middle of 20th century, replacement of the crucian carp C. carassius and other close-related species by the goldfish, its use for stocking Belarusian waters, existence of different-karyotyped forms of C. auratus, and the importance of carrying out the karyologic research of Carassius in Belarus.

105-109 540

It was shown that dose-depending aluminum accumulation in erythrocytes leads to aggravating of oxidative process in cells, decreasing activity of antioxidant enzymes, changing of lipids physical state on different depth of membrane and smoothing of microrelief of outer part of cell membrane. In vivo investigation revealed necessity of evaluation coefficient of relation concentration of aluminum and calcium (Ca/Al) in hair as prognostic index of aluminum ions influence on human organism.

110-114 1291

The impact of microbial degraders-active constituents of Antoil biopreparation introduced in to activated sludge on population of its major ecologo-trophical bacterial groups and on composition, development and oxidation potential of sludge biocenosis was studied. It was found that supply of microbial lipid degraders – ingredients of Antoil did not make-up of sludge biocenosis, upgraded its quality and oxidation capacity, allowing thereby to intensify disposal of lipid pollutants in municipal sewage treated at biological decontamination facilities operating with activated sludge.

115-120 650

Genotypes of four Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars and two cultivars of V. angustifolium × V. corymbosum, along with wild individuals of V. myrtillus, were analyzed using five inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers (UBC 808, 818, 824, 845, 867). The primers produced 128 bands on the whole; 22.7 % of the bands were common to all blueberry cultivars. In the case of V. myrtillus, 68.0 % of its bands were identical with monomorphic bands in cultivated blueberries. The obtained sets of consistent bands can be considered as cultivar passports and they can be used for Vaccinium cultivars certification. Cluster analysis of genetic similarity between cultivars, based on ISSR profiles, is provided.

121-126 481

The article is dedicated to changes of soil enzymes’ activity in the soils, contaminated with diesel fuel. The dehydrogenase’ and invertase’ activities were measured four times during 3 month experiment. The data obtained indicates changes of the soil enzymatic activity depending on the composition of the soil and environmental conditions of the experiment.

ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)