No 2 (2016)
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Zh. A. Rupasova,
T. I. Vasileuskaya,
N. B. Krinitskaya,
E. V. Tishkovskaya,
V. V. Titok,
A. A. Veyevnik,
N. S. Kuptsov,
Ye. G. Popov,
P. A. Pashkevich,
D. A. Dubar
5-10 758
A comparative study of the biochemical composition of the leafy weight of 10 varieties of artichoke from the collection of Central botanical garden in the summer mounted pronounced dependence by varietal accessories of the integral level of nutritional and vitamin value of aggregate 8 defining characteristics It is shown that, the leading position in this index with significant isolation from the rest of Jerusalem artichoke taxons belong to three varieties – Sireniki-1, Dessertny and Canadsky, while the least valuable biochemical composition of green mass seems variety of Nakhodka.
11-14 478
The adaptive abilities of the Lily species from the collection fund of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the midland conditions of the republic have been assessed. The blooming periods of the species and their ability to fructification and full seed production have been determined.
15-21 694
The article presents the analysis of geographical distribution of the native flora of vascular plants of Prypiackaje Paliessie, made according to the improved scheme of geographical elements, developed by N. V. Kozlovskaya. The description of each geographic element with typical examples and the analysis of the distribution of species along latitudinal and longitudinal elements of the flora.
22-26 575
The comparative study results of morphological characteristics, germination ability and special features in pollen tube formation of Spontaneous Somatic Mutation Abies koreana Wils. Pinus banksiana Lamb. and their maternal plants are given. It was found that normally developed pollen tubes were formed in 57.5 % of Korean fir pollen and 61.7 % of Hudson Bay pine pollen, which allows using them for selection.
27-34 639
It was the species compositions and age characteristics of 19 species of fish on the based on the study of osteological material from the excavation of archaeological sites Struga 1988 and Struga 2002, medieval settlements of the XIII century. It was found that the main commercial species for the inhabitants of the ancient city were Esox lucius L. (41.2 % of the total number of subfossil remains), Perca fluviatilis L. (24.7 %) and Abramis brama (L.) (13.3 %). The anadromous fish – members of the family Acipenseridae, Sturgeons, as well as Rutilus frisii (Nord.), vyrezub – currently in Belarus do not occur, and Vimba vimba L., vimba presented not anadromous form. The fishing capacity in catches of the XIII century accounted for the older age groups: pike – 6+, perch – 9+, bream – 8+…11+. Unlike ancient catches, modern fish catches are based mainly on the younger age groups of fish: pike – 3+ perch – 4+, bream – 1+.
35-41 533
The taxonomic structure, including the sozological aspect, bryophytes of coniferous forests of Belarus on the basis of the analysis according to the modern classification of bryophytes based on recent data. And also on the basis of a comparative analysis of departments of Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta of the highlighted features of these groups of bryophytes in the conditions of coniferous forests of Belarus.
42-46 521
The introduction resistance of the short-cupped daffodils from the collection of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the midland conditions of the republic has been studied. The article presents data on the integral assessment of the varieties according to the combination of ornamental and economic-biological features. The results of assessment have made it possible to recommend 17 original varieties resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental stresses for the use in landscape gardening in the republic.
Y. G. Giginiak,
V. E. Miamin,
O. I. Borodin,
P. N. Bely,
O. L. Kandelinskaya,
E. R. Grischenko,
K. Y. Ripinskaya,
E. A. Davydov
47-53 614
It is found that endogenous lectin activity index of lichens growing in the extreme conditions of Antarctica is characterized by species specificity, flexibility and depends on the growing conditions. It is assumed that the endogenous lectins and other proteins of the Antarctica lichen thallus are involved in the mechanisms of adaptation to the extreme influences and changing habitat conditions.
J. N. Kalatskaya,
O. V. Molchan,
N. A. Laman,
E. I. Kolomiets,
M. A. Bratanova,
T. L. Nasonova,
T. V. Frolova,
V. V. Minkova
54-61 620
It was detected Bacillus subtilis strains M 9/6, 10/19 and 7MR achieved high survival rates in peat-based substrates and the rhizosphere of plants and the ability to inhibit the development of pathogens. Growth promotion activity detected in B. subtilis M 9/6, biomass of lettuce leaf increased almost 4.5 times compared with the control (without fertilizers). The addition of bentonite or clay in bacterial peat-based growing media increases the productivity of lettuce, respectively, 29.8 and 42.5 % in comparison with the plants grown on such substrate.
62-68 594
Drug-resistant variants of bacteria representing genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas showing enhanced antagonistic activity were selected. High adaptation capacity of sporulating bacteria and resistance to chemical pesticides coupled to significant antagonistic activity was revealed in soil microbial cenoses and plant phyloplane to ensure their potential introduction in comprehensive systems of plant protection. The methods to increase antagonistic activity of the selected strains by short-term exposure of bacterial cultures to stress factors – temperature or osmotic shock were proposed. The prospects of generating high-tech commodity forms of biopreparations are directly related to microbial cell immobilization on solid support (trepel) or in gels.
L. M. Abramchik,
T. V. Serdiuchenko,
L. V. Pashkevich,
V. N. Makarov,
L. A. Zenevich,
L. F. Kabashnikova
69-77 886
It was found that salicylic acid has a positive effect on the stability of green barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L.) under the combined effect of pathogenic infection Bipolaris sorokiniana and hyperthermia. This results in normalization of functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus, reduction of peroxidation processes in cell membrane lipids, increasing of H2O2 pool, involved in triggering of the protective cell systems, increase of NADPH-oxidase activity, involved in the generation of active oxygen forms upon infectioning of the plants with pathogens and peroxidase activation.
78-82 620
The screening of the structural proteins of pathogenic bacteria and analysis of gene expression markers of the immune response of lymphocytes of animals in the presence of inactivated vaccine for prophylaxis of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3 and pasteurellosis of cattle “BelViroPastˮ was carried out. It was shown that vaccination causes activation of the immune system of the animal, as evidenced by an increase in the level of expression of genes that regulate the immune response. The findings are proof that the developed vaccine may be used for specific prevention viral and bacterial respiratory diseases of calves.
83-94 460
Estimated population density of vertebrate predators, analyzed species composition of the community assemblages and guilds, dimensional structure is described in the model forest territories of Paazierre Forest, which is characterized by relatively natural state of vertebrate predators. Community vertebrate predators of Paazierre Forest is characterized by fairly large species richness (42 species). During the warm season on the density and biomass of the populations were dominate snakes, and in the cold season were predatory mammals. The largest species composition in the warm season were the assemblage of birds of prey and predatory mammals (17 species and 12), and in the cold season were carnivoroure (10–11 species), owl – 7species and birds of prey – only 5 species. During the year, the structure of vertebrate predators dominated small predators (up to 0.5 kg). The assemblage of predatory mammals and birds of prey have dominated the group of medium-sized species almost throughout the year, while owls and snakes – small predators. In Paazierre Forest in the warm season revealed 10 guilds vertebrate predators, and in the cold season – 8 guilds. In the warm season dominated by the guild of frog eaters, and in the cold season dominated by the guild of rodent eaters and generalists are presented at the beginning of the cold season, and in the end cold season – guild of carrion consumers.
95-100 539
The components of the signal chain that is involved in P. carotovorum detection by domestic potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants are hard to study. This work experimentally verifies applicability of wild potato (S. bulbocastanum) plants for modeling interactions between P. carotovorum and the host plant. The response of S. bulbocastanum to inoculation by P. carotovorum cell suspensions is similar to that of S. tuberosum and other Solanaceae plants. We describe differential expression levels of the key immunity related genes and demonstrate suitability of S. bulbocastanum for the virus-induced gene silencing.
101-107 453
This paper presents the results of phytoassay of surface runoff from the territory of the city of Brest sampled in different seasons. Eight species of plants were tested as candidates for biomonitoring. The results indicate, first, a high degree of contamination of surface runoff of winter period due to the high content of salts having technogenic origin, secondly, the wide variety of types of responses in biological objects.
108-114 705
Presents morphometric parameters of fruits and collectivefruit of 20 cultivars of highbush blueberry and 3 cultivars of half-highbush blueberry. By weight of the culture of the fruit cultivars are classified into 3 groups: large-fruited, middlefruited and small-fruited. How any significant deviations in the dimensional characteristics of the fruit introduced in Belarus blueberry cultivars in comparison with those of the country of origin and the neighboring countries have been identified.
115-125 629
Biotrophic fungal pathogens of wheat have high adaptive capacity and harmfulness. Successful breeding for resistance requires effective donors. Of particular interest are those genes which have resistance to a broad spectrum of diseases. The review describes epidemiological features of biotrophic fungal pathogens, their harmfulness, genes with pleiotropic effect on wheat resistance to disease, molecular markers to these genes
ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)