
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The adaptation of plants on the modified ion-exchange substratum of «TRIONA®»


The data about rizogeneze and morphometric parameters of the regenerants of dioskorea (Dioscorea alata L.), which are developed on the modified ion-exchange substratum TRIONA®, with the use of a new class of soil meliorant - the hydro gels of different composition, capable of absorbing and of retaining in the swollen state an enormous quantity of moisture with the dissolved in it nutrients are represented. It is shown that the action 1 mg/l of the hydro gel of large or small fraction ECOFLOC A-07 (Chinese Peoples' Republic) without the supplemental application of fertilizers is optimum for accelerating the development of the regenerants of dioskorea on the optimized ion-exchange substratum TRIONA®.

About the Authors

E. N. Karaseva
Институт экспериментальной ботаники им. В.Ф.Купревича НАН Беларуси

T. G. Yanchevskaya
Институт экспериментальной ботаники им. В.Ф.Купревича НАН Беларуси


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