
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Morphogenesis of introduced species of blueberry high, cowberry, rhododendron yellow, depending on the composition of the culture media


The morphogenesis of introduced species of blueberry high, cowberry, rhododendron yellow to various modifications of culture media, determine the optimal medium for the flow of the process were studied. The principal possibility of regeneration of introduced species of blueberry high cowberry by activation of axillary meristems, rhododendron yellow by two ways: 1) the activation of axillary meristems, 2) a proliferation of callus and the subsequent formation of his shoots are presented.

About the Authors

E. N. Kutas
The Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Belarus

A. A. Goretskay
The Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Belarus

A. A. Veyevnik
The Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Belarus

V. V. Titok
The Central Botanical Garden of NAS of Belarus


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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
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