
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Alternative oxidase and ATP/ADP-antiporter gene expression in transgenic Fe-SOD AND Mn-SOD tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) under low temperature stress


It was shown that the Fe-SOD transformants and especially the Mn-SOD transformants have elevated gene expression of thermogenic protein - alternative oxidase (AOX1) and ATP/ADP-antiporter (ANT) as compared to wild type under low temperature stress (+ 4°C, 22 h) and during the post-stress period (+ 25°C, 24 h). The results indicate an important contribution of thermogenic proteins to the forming transgenic resistance to low temperatures and during the period after termination of the stress factor.

About the Authors

S. M. Pauliuchkova
Институт биофизики и клеточной инженерии НАН Беларуси

N. V. Shalygo
Институт биофизики и клеточной инженерии НАН Беларуси


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