
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Peculiarities of in vitro propagation and ex vitro rooting of blueberry cv. Northblue


The optimal conditions for in vitro propagation and ex vitro rooting of blueberry cv. Northblue were defined. It was found that woody plant medium (WPM) with 2 mg/l zeatin or 5 mg/l 2-isopenteniladenine is the most acceptable for in vitro propagation of regenerants. Rooting in vitro-derived shoots in ex vitro conditions on substrate such as moss Sphagnum L. with layer of peat (0,5 cm) enables to root and adapt regenerants (efficiency - 100 %).

About the Authors

T. N. Bozhiday
Институт плодоводства

N. V. Kukharchik
Институт плодоводства


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