Main trends in the dynamics of forest plantations in the buffer zone of the Novopolotsk Refinery Complex (based on the results of a 25-year research)
The unique results of the 25-year monitoring of forest vegetation of the buffer zone at the Novopolotsk Refinery Complex (NIRC) were summarized. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the buffer zone, which occurred during the period 1990–2015 years of operation of NRC’s enterprises, is given. Detailed analysis of vegetation organization has shown that the most transformed forest areas are directly adjacent to the enterprises from the leeward side. During the 25-year period of research, the area of primary forest fragments in the 500-meter zone of NRC impact has decreased by 2.6 times. Derivatives of small-leaved communities formed at the place of dead coniferous stands immediately after the commissioning of the plants are presented here. The technogenic press reduction in the 1990s resulted in the active demutation transformations of vegetation. Recently, there has also been a dominance of restoration processes, but the change of the main pine and spruce stands to derivatives continues, which is reflected in the prolonged decomposition of fragments of previously disturbed stands. The direction and rates of change of some plant groups by others depend on the initial state of plants, species and age structure of communities, conditions of their growth and environmental factors. In general, it is noted that forest ecosystems of the region have retained the ability to regenerate the composition and structure.
About the Authors
I. P. VoznyachukBelarus
Irina P. Voznyachuk – D. Sc. (Biol.), Leading researcher
27, Akademicheskaja Str., 220072, Minsk
A. A. Molozhavski
Anatoli A. Malazhavski – D. Sc. (Biol.), Vice-chairman
16, Kalinin lane, 220012, Minsk
A. V. Sudnik
Aliaksandr V. Sudnik – D. Sc. (Biol.), Head of the Sector
27, Akademicheskaja Str., 220072, Minsk
N. L. Voznyachuk
Nikolai L. Voznyachuk – Researcher
27, Akademicheskaja Str., 220072, Minsk
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