
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Dendrocolous leaf mining insects as pests of woody plants in green stands of Brest Polesie: the summer phenological group


The summer phenological group of leaf mining insects damaging green stands of Brest Polesie (Belarus) includes Trachys minutus L. (Buprestidae), Isochnus sequensi Stierlin (Curculionidae), Heterarthrus ochropoda (Klug, 1818), Profenusapyg-maea Klug, 1816 (Tenthredinidae), Phyllonorycter roboris Zell., Phyllocnistis unipunctella Steph. (Gracillariidae), Eriocrania sparrmannella Bosc (Eriocraniidae), Stigmella speciosa Frey, Stigmella lapponica Wocke (Nepticulidae), Lyonetia prunifo-liella Hübn., Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (Lyonetiidae). Among them are monophagous (3 species), oligophagous (5 species) and polyphagous (3 species). Under condition of the region the most common species are E. sparrmannella, Ph. roboris and Ph. unipunctella.

About the Authors

S. I. Evdoshenko
Белорусский государственный университет

F. V. Sautkin
Белорусский государственный университет


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