
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Chromatographic purification of the enzyme preparation from the cultural liquid of Pleurotus ostreatus


The primary purification of the proteolytic enzyme preparation from the Pleurotus ostreatus culture fluid was carried out. Methods of salting out, dialysis, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAEand KM-sepharose were used. It was shown that during the chromatography on KM-sepharose, the enzyme preparation from the culture liquid was divided into three fractions, one of which possessed milk-clotting activity (МСА). Chromatography on DEAE-sepharose allowed us to reach the significant purity of the enzyme with МСА.

About the Authors

V. V. Sakovich
Polessky State University

Valeryia V. Sakovich – Master of biological sciences

23, Dneprovskaya Flotiliya Str., 225710, Pinsk

A. M. Hrusha
Polessky State University

Aliaksandr M. Hrusha – Student

23, Dneprovskaya Flotiliya Str., 225710, Pinsk

V. V. Revenko
Polessky State University

Vadim V. Revenko – Student

23, Dneprovskaya Flotiliya Str., 225710, Pinsk

D. D. Zhernossekov
Polessky State University

Dmitri D. Zhernossekov – D. Sc. (Biol.), Assistant Professor

23, Dneprovskaya Flotiliya Str., 225710, Pinsk


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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)