
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Features of the reproduction processes of amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda) alien species in the conditions of Belarus watercourses


For the first time in Belarus, reproduction features of 6 mass alien Amphipodae species have been established: C. curvispinum, D. villosus, O. crassus, O. obesus, E. ischnus, and D. haemobaphes. The data on the monthly changes in their density and biomass have been given, as well as the species these changes are most pronounced in. The range in temperature conditions, the reproduction processes are observed under, is determined. These conditions are mostly confined to the warm season: all species start reproduction in spring at a temperature of 7.9–11.9 °C and end it in autumn at a temperature of 9.7 °C. Based on changes in the age composition, the main parameters of the life cycle are determined. The reproduction period was established for 5 studied alien species, 2 to 3 generations were observed during a year, the sex ration is determined (the prevalence of females in the species represented indicates the populations stability). The obtained research results, in comparison with the literature data for other parts of the area with similar climatic conditions, mostly coincide, the differences are mainly determined by the temperature and environmental conditions of watercourses. Compared with populations from other parts of the species distribution that have a longer reproduction period, the same number of generations with a shorter reproductive period is observed in Belarus conditions for 5 species of Gammaridae, which indicates the wide adaptive capabilities of these species.

About the Author

A. I. Makaranka
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Bioresources.

Andrei I. Makaranka – M aster o f B iology, Scientific researcher.

27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk.


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