
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Efficient strain of slow-growing nodulating bacteria Bradyrhizhobium japonicum 84KL as a basis of biofertilizer Soyarhiz


Most efficient competitive strain of slow-growing nodulating bacteria Bradyrhizhobium japonicum 84KL possessing growth-promoting and nitrogen-fixing activities was isolated and selected from nodules of Glycine max. cultivated in Belarus. Technological parameters and conditions for submerged fermentation of a new bacterial strain were defined, and survival rate of the strain during storage in liquid culture and upon immobilization on substrate-carrier was examined. It was found that pre-sowing inoculation of soya seeds with biofertilizer Soyarhiz promoted rise in soya seed productivity stimulated by mineral P50 K120 supply by 7.8 c/ha, 5.4 % increase in seed protein content, accumulation of ammonium nitrogen in soil in amount 4.3-6.3 mg/kg with concomitant fall of nitrate nitrogen level by 60-70 %.

About the Authors

L. E. Kartyzhova
Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси

I. V. Semyonova
Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси

N. V. Korolyonok
Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси

Z. M. Aleschenkova
Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси

L. V. Romanova
Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси


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2. Звягинцев Д. Г., Асеева И. В., Бабьева И. П., Мирчик Т. Г. // Методы почвенной микробиологии и биохимии. М., 1980. С. 63-130.

3. Герхардт Ф. Методы общей бактериологии: В 3 т. М., 1983. Т. 1.

4. Методические указания по использованию ацетиленового метода при селекции бобовых культур на повышение симбиотической азотфиксации. Л., 1982.


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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)