
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Information is given on geographical distribution and causes of decline of populations in the natural environment of protected species iris dwarf (I. pumila L.).Gives a brief description of the biological characteristics and the necessity of saving iris in Botanical gardens. Studied the adaptive properties of 5 samples of I. pumila of different geographical origin in the conditions of introduction in the Central Botanical garden of NAS of Belarus. Pronalazenje established phases of regeneration, budding, flowering and fruiting in the local context. Confirmed by literary data about the fragility of I. pumila in the culture: the plants fall to 3–4 year of life. The expediency of sexual reproduction dwarf iris in order to preserve the collection Fund. Tested 2 methods of seed propagation. The most interesting in the decorative plants. Evaluated the adaptive capacity of 8 varieties of miniature dwarf irises foreign selection, created with the participation of I. pumila. Conducted primary and comparative grade score, including ornamental and economic-biological features of varieties. Long-term observations revealed that in the conditions of introduction of miniature dwarf irises are all the stages of ontogenesis, yearly flower and fruit. Winter without shelter. Relatively resistant to diseases and pests. The use of wild I. pumila in gardening is limited by its biological features. Varieties, differing variety of colors, due to the early timing of flowering, abundant flowering and high rate of vegetative propagation is recommended for use in landscaping plantings.

About the Author

G. S. Borodich
Central Botanic Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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