It was established that for in vitro rhyzogenesis of apple rootstock 106-13 it is better to use medium with 1/2 MS macro- and microsalts supplemented with IBA in concentration of 0.5 mg/l without use of etiolation (the yield of rooted microplants was 90.0 % with a coefficient of root system development – 1.14 ± 0.18). For in vitro rhyzogenesis of apple rootstock 54-118, it is better to use medium with 1/3 MS macro and microsalts, supplemented with IBA in concentration of 1.0 mg/l without etiolation (the yield of rooted microplants was 85.35 % with a coefficient of root system development – 0.53 ± 0.12). The positive effect of etiolation on root system growth depended on cultivar. For rootstock 54-118, the use of etiolation stimulated the growth of roots on medium with 1/3 MS macro- and microsalts combined with IBA in concentration of 1.0 mg/l (until the end of subculture). Use of etiolation inhibited the root system growth of rootstock 106-13 microplants until the end of subculture both on medium with 1/2 MS macro- and microsalts and on medium with 1/3 MS macro- and microsalts, but it stimulated root formation of rootstock 106-13. However, use of 7 days etiolation at stage of in vitro rhyzogenesis of rootstocks 106-13 and 54-118 is not expedient, because it does not stimulate the increase in the number of rooted microplants at the end of subculture.
About the Authors
V. A. ShaporevaBelarus
A. A. Zmushko
Ph. D. (Agricult.), Researcher
E. V. Kolbanova
Ph. D. (Biol.), Head of the Laboratory
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