
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Results of long-term stationary research on influence of the pyrogenic factor on the efficiency and the postfire condition of forest phytocenoses of Belarus are presented. It has been found out that the size of the postfire falling off of trees and their radial gain in plantations of the main forest forming breeds are determined by the type and intensity of a fire, the forest and taxation characteristics of forest stands as well as biological features of tree species. Dependence of the size of the postfire falling off by the quantity of trees and a stock in pine, spruce, birch and black alder plantations on their average diameter and average height of deposit on trunks are revealed at the ground fires, depths of burn-out of organic horizons of the soil and damage rate of root systems of trees – at the soil fires. The description of scales for identification of damage rate in plantations of the main forest forming breeds from fires and their fire resistance is given. The reforestation methods in the burnt-out places in various forest vegetation conditions which provide formation of biologically steady and highly productive plantations of economic valuable tree species are presented. There is a card of forest fire division into districts of the territory of Belarus on the basis of which types and volumes of actions for fire-prevention arrangement of the forest fund of the legal entities which conduct forestry for the purpose of minimization of the area of wildfires and their consequences are differentiated.

About the Author

V. V. Usenya
Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Agricult.), Professor, Deputy director for scientific work


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