The increasing of the number of the species of mammals there was not less than 28 %, for birds – 129 % within the last century owing to the synanthropization of fauna of vertebrate animals in residential landscape of the southwest of Belarus. The synanthropic population of Vertebrata includes 42 species of mammals, 104 species of birds, 3 species of reptiles and 12 species of amphibiouses in general. Except the obligate sinanthropic species, that integrated in synanthropic ecological complex in residential ecosystems the group of sporadic and synanthropic species (101 species) is widely provided in which modern structure numerous species make 13 %, usual – 45, rare – 35, very rare – 7 %. The synanthropization exponent (offered in article) calculated for taxonomical or ecological groups of Vertebrate allows to note that now in southwest part of Belarus to process of synantropization amphibiouses are most subject (extent of synanthropization 0.62), to the smallest – reptile (0.22), and birds and mammals are intermediate (respectively 0.29 and 0.36). The new species of vertebrate animals which are settled in the territory of the Brest region in the last century from the northern and northeast directions belong generally to eurytopic species, southern and southwest – to synanthropic species.
About the Authors
V. V. DemianchykBelarus
Junior researcher
M. E. Nikiforov
Academician, D. Sc. (Biol.), Academician-Secretary
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