The article deals with the peculiarities of the synanthropic component of the flora of the Pripyat Polesie – a natural region located in the southern part of Belarus. It is represented by 810 species of vascular plants that can grow in disturbed human habitats. Among the synanthropic species, 563 taxons (69.5 % of their total number) are adventitious (or anthropophytes), and 247 (or 30.5 %) are aboriginal (apophytes) in relation to the flora under consideration. The geographic structure of the apophytes of the flora of Pripyat Polesie indicates their wide range and weak zonal confinement. Anthropophytes have a more complex genesis with respect to the time and manner of skidding, as well as the degree of naturalization in the natural ecosystems of the southern part of Belarus. They are based on a group of plant species of ancient mediterranean origin. The biomorphological features of the synanthropic species, as well as their relation to environmental factors such as moisture and soil fertility, show that in the process of synanthropization and anthropogenic transformation, the natural flora and natural vegetation cover acquire features characteristic of phytophores in more southern areas.
About the Authors
A. M. MialikBelarus
Junior researcher
V. I. Parfenov
Academician, D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory
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