
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The food spectrum of alien species of fishes (the tubenose goby (Neogobius gymnotrachelus) and the racer goby (Proterorhinus marmoratus)) from the lower Dnieper River in Bragin region (Belorussia) was researched. Dominant position in the diet of the tubenose goby is among zoobenthic organisms (89.6 %): larvaes of chironomid and bugs, amphipod crustaceans. The preferred food category for the racer goby is zooplankton (64.3 %), represented by cladocera. The degree of similarity of the food spectrum analysis showed, that competition in the diet among these species is not high (35.5 %).

About the Authors

E. V. Vintsek
Scientific and Practical Centre of the Nаtional Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources
Russian Federation

Junior Scientific Researcher

A. P. Grigorchik
Scientific and Practical Centre of the Nаtional Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources
Russian Federation

M. S. (Biol.), Junior Scientific Researcher


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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
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