
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The aim of this study is to identify the mechanisms of reactive oxygen and chlorine species generation by phagocytes in the presence of protein CHI3L1. It has been established, that CHI3L1 addition leads to the decrease of phagocytes oxygen activating ability. CHI3L1 can regulate free- radical processes in phagocytes through interaction with reactive oxygen and chlorine species and enhancement of myeloperoxidase secretion.

About the Authors

Y. Leonik
Belarusian State University

master student, faculty of physics

E. Golubeva
Belarusian State University

lecturer of the department of higher mathematics and mathematical physics, faculty of physics

T. Kulahava
Belarusian State University

Ph. D., associate professor of the department of biophysics, faculty of physics


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