
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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There were obtained the experimental data with the possibility of using Red/Ox-enzymes as biochemical markers for rapid assessment of stress-resistant to abiotic factors of grape varieties, and identify promising varieties of grapes for introducing them into industrial culture. Found that the biochemical parameters characterizing Red/Ox-plant system (activity of isoenzymes of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) are informative experimental data for rapid assessment of stress resistance and biological plasticity plants grapes. Active Red/Ox- enzymes due to varietal specificity of grapes and largely depends on the intensity and duration of exposure factors stress factors. The greatest resistance when abiotic stress (water deficit, lower temperatures and insufficient illumination) showed grapes North American breeding, in particular, Marquette and Marshal Foch, correlating with the change in activity of Red/Oxenzymes. Found that resistant grape varieties compared with the susceptible, are initially more high Red/Ox-enzymes (isoenzymes of peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase) and a better mechanism for their implementation. According to biochemical, morphological and biometrical studies in European breeding grapes (Krasen) obtained from grapes V. vinifera, Marked lower adaptability to stress factors compared to more labile and plastic strains of the American group.

About the Authors

E. N. Oleshuk
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Scientific Researcher

A. N. Griz
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Scientific Researcher

E. H. Popoff
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ph. D. (Biol. Sci.) Senior Scientific Researcher

T. G. Yanchevskaya
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ph. D. (Biol. Sci.), Head of Laboratory OMNP


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