
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Isolation and characterization of bacteria producing acetic acid


Elective conditions were selected in order to ensure effective allocation of acetic acid bacteria. From grape berries, apples, red currant and malt were allocated 22 strain acetic acid bacteria, which include representatives of the genera Acetobacter and Gluconobacter. Among the isolates were found 3 strains with higher acetic acid production. Among them - the strain Acetobacter sp. Vin3.3, which is superior the collectible industrial strain A. aceti N 1 in productivity.

About the Authors

I. . Heniush
Byelorussian State Technological University

V. . Kuzmitskaya
Byelorussian State Technological University

N. . Belyasova
Byelorussian State Technological University


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