
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Efficiency of multiplex RT-PCR for differential detection of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) viruses


It was found that multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) method with two combinations of primers (1F/1R, MF05-22-F/MF05-21-R, AtropaNad2.1a/2.2b and RDP-1/RDP-2, MF05-22-F/MF05-21-R, AtropaNad2.1a/2.2b) can be used for the simultaneous and differential detection of blueberry pathogens (Blueberry scorch carlavirus, Tobacco ringspot nepovirus). Application of mRT-PCR for detection of virus diseases of blueberry plants allows to reduce testing costs on 49.5 % in comparison with simplex RT-PCR.

About the Authors

T. N. Bazhydai
Институт плодоводства

N. N. Valasevich
Институт плодоводства

N. V. Kukharchik
Институт плодоводства


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