
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Antibiotic resistance. Alternative approaches to solving the problem


The etiology, biological properties and sensitivity of the causers of wound infections to traditionally used antimicrobial remedies has been study. For prevention of the further shaping antimicrobial resistance is confirmed need of the undertaking time- and doso- depending killing of causers, allowing provide the rational choice of the remedy and forecast the frequency of the bandagings with it. High efficiency of the undertaking decontamination of air is shown by means of recirculator, equiped by mercury without ozone lamps with output of ray < 200 nm, for warning exogenous infection of wounds. The practicability of the use of blighty herbal raw materials for development and introduction of import substitution innovation remedies efficient in respect of as planktonic, so and biofilm of the forms of the causers was proved.

About the Author

A. V. Frolova
Витебский государственный медицинский университет


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