
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Annual dynamics of entomocomplexes of stinging hymenoptera (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) – consorts of invasive goldenrods (Solidago) in the conditions of Minsk


In the city of Minsk 93 species of hymenopteran insects belonging to 11 families and 3 superfamilies were identified in the conditions of 9 habitats of invasive goldenrods (Solidago) in 2018–2021. The families Apidae, Halictidae (Apoidea: Apiformes), and Crabronidae (Apoidea: Spheciformes) were most abundant in the studied complex of insects. One dominant species (Apis mellifera), 2 numerous (Bombus terrestris, Philanthus triangulum) and 6 common species (Bombus ruderarius, Bombus terrestris, Philanthus triangulum, Polistes dominula, Cerceris arenaria, Cerceris rybyensis) were identified for the considered habitats. The annual dynamics of the goldenrod flower-visitor complexes was estimated based on the material collected at the same place for 4 years using the similarity coefficients of Jacqard and Sorensen. The formation of a cluster that indicates the similarity of goldenrod flower-visitor communities in this habitat in 2018 and 2019 (KJ = 0.368; KS = 0.538), as well as a cluster that unites goldenrod flower-visitor communities in 2020 and 2021 (KJ = 0.333; KS = 0.5) is traced. The values of the biodiversity indices for all samples are quite high: there is a tendency of increasing the level of diversity from year to year.

About the Author

D. O. Koroteeva
Belarusian State University

Daria О. Koroteeva Junior Researcher, Senior lecturer

4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk


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