
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Estimation of irradiation doses of transuranic radionuclides to plants of phytocenoses of the Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve


Dose rates of 238Pu and 239+240Pu241 Am were determined for the plants from four phytocenoses of the Polesie State Radiation-Ecological Reserve. A significant difference in the values of the dose rates of the whole plant body is shown when calculating according to the data on the activity of radionuclides in the aboveground organs and underground organs. The highest dose rates with transuranic elements for dry meadow ecosystem plants fall on species of the Poaceae and Fabaceae families, forb birch forest – Poaceae, moss pine forest – Betulaceae, Ericaceae, black alder nettle forest – Betulaceae. For 238Pu, the internal dose per year can reach up to 5.17 mGy (Vicia cracca), 239+240Pu – up to 4.05 (Poa pratensis), and 241Am – up to 22.34 mGy (Betula pendula). The data obtained indicate that the dose rates of 238Pu, 239+240Pu, and Pu241Am separately do not exceed the Derived Consideration Reference Levels proposed by the ICRP for non-human biota.

About the Author

R. K. Spirau
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ruslan K. Spirau – Researcher

4, Fedyuninski Str., 246007, Gomel


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