Dynamics of change in the number of amphibian larvae in pond conditions and factors determining it in the central part of Belarus
The aim of the work is to study the influence of factors of abiotic and biotic origin on abundance, growth rate and development of amphibian larvae in natural conditions.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in studying the degree of interaction of amphibian larvae with each other and with invertebrate predators, their interaction in natural conditions. The main part of the work contains a literature review, the work methodology and the result description.
In conclusion, it was noted that under natural conditions, the magnitude of impact of predators on the number of amphibian larvae is much lower than it has been previously thought; they are not able to provide a significant function of regulating the number of tadpoles. Abiotic environmental factors, being within the optimum limits, do not affect the mortality of larvae, and food in natural water bodies is not a factor limiting abundance. The most intensive death of larvae occurs in the early larval development stage. Despite a low overall density of larvae in a natural water body, most amphibian larvae are periodically exposed to metabolites and are affected by the “group effect”. This is expressed in the inhibition of growth and development of individuals, the death or decrease in the decline in the viability of the most sensitive individuals, and also increases the likelihood of their death from other factors.
About the Authors
J. V. KorzunBelarus
Jahor V. Korzun – Senior Researcher
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
A. A. Kulikova
Russian Federation
Alena A. Kulikova – Senior Researcher
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
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