Climate change and the activities of botanical gardens
Problems and prospects of botanical gardens in a changing climate are discussed in the article. An increase in the average annual surface air temperature, changes in seasonal indicators and the length of the growing season require action from botanical gardens. Decisions on the management of natural and man-made ecosystems, with the aim of their conservation and sustainable development, must be taken taking into account the ecological situation. The knowledge and experience concentrated in botanical gardens makes it possible to assess the threats and opportunities for climate change and develop adaptation measures to them. All activities of botanical gardens should be aimed at counteracting climate change, include preventive measures based on the expected plant responses and compensatory measures. Research work in all areas should take into account the situation with changing climatic parameters. Special attention should be paid to endemic rare and endangered species, historical landscapes, and changes in the assortment of resistant species, cultivation technologies, and biological invasions. Botanical gardens must be proactive by providing information, plant materials and technologies for national and global climate change adaptation programs.
About the Author
G. A. SoltaniRussian Federation
Galina A. Soltani ‒ Ph. D. (Biol.), Leading Researcher
74, Kurortny Ave., 354002, Sochi
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