Cryptic species of the genus Microtus on the territory of Belarus: taxonomic position and distribution
The paper presents the original data of the chromosomal and molecular-genetic (by PCR typing) analysis of cryptic species of the genus Microtus on the territory of Belarus. The aim of the study is to perform chromosomal labeling of common vole populations in various localities in Belarus to identify Microtus arvalis s. l. twin species in natural ecosystems. Based on the karyological analysis, 2 representatives of the cryptic group were identified in the study area: the Eastern European vole (2р = 54, NF = 56) and the common vole (2р = 46, NF = 86). Also, to confirm the species identity of the twin species, a molecular genetic analysis was performed by PCR typing. It was established that one studied individual from the cryptic group Microtus arvalis s. l. belongs to the species Microtus rossiaemeridionalis. A fragment of the cyt b mitochondrial gene was amplified in the size of 469 bp in the remaining individuals (n = 105), and a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene in the size of 842 was amplified, which indicates that these representatives belong to the Microtus arvalis form “arvalis”. In conclusion, the results of the work done are summed up, and tasks are set for further research of cryptic species of the genus Microtus in Belarus.
About the Authors
Ya. I. MashkouBelarus
Yauheni I. Mashkou ‒ Postgraduate student, Junior
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
H. S. Gajduchenko
Helen S. Gajduchenko ‒ Ph. D. ( Biol.), L eading R esearcher
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
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