Identification and assessment of vector transmission of the Pepino mosaic virus in the culture of tomato protected ground
It is known that tomato is one of the most susceptible vegetable crops affected by viral pathogens. Recently, Pepino mosaic virus, is widespread in greenhouse plantations in Europe the harmfulness of which leads to yield and marketability of products decrease.
The analysis of tomato hybrids grown in greenhouses of the republic has shown that in different years of research, Pepino mosaic virus has been present both in mono infection and in combination with the other viruses from the genus Cucumovirus, Tobamovirus, Nepovirus and Tobravirus.
Laboratory data indicate the susceptibility and ability to high accumulation of viral particles when test plants Datura stramonium L. and Nicotiana rustica L. have been infected with the pepino mosaic virus. It is determined that Aphis gossypii Glov., Frankliniella occidentalis Perg. and Trialeurodes vaporariorum Wetw. can participate in the vector transmission of the pathogen between host plants.
About the Authors
V. V. VabishchevichBelarus
Viktoria V. Vabishchevich - Ph. D. (Biol.), Leading Researcher.
2, Mir Str., 223011, a/c Priluki, Minsk Region
I. G. Vauchkevich
Irina G. Vauchkevich - Ph. D. (Agricult.), Head of the Laboratory.
2, Mir Str., 223011, a/c Priluki, Minsk Region
M. V. Kanapatskaya
Marina V. Kanapatskaya - Researcher.
2, Mir Str., 223011, a/c Priluki, Minsk Region
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