Dynamics of a photosynthetic pigments level of the Chlorella vulgaris strain С 111 IBCE C-19 during the growth at the nutrien medium with manganese chloride addition
The effect of the manganese (II) chloride addition at concentrations of 0.01-25.0 mg/l in the nutrient medium on chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids in Chlorella vulgaris cells of C 111 IBCE C-19 strain was studied during cultivation for 40 days. It was found, that the dynamics of all three photosynthetic pigments was possessed fluctuating character and, in general, was the same type. Using all versions of nutrient medium, marked shifts in content of photosynthesis pigments on 7-10, 22-28 and 28-34 days were revealed. In some cases, additional changes to above mentioned ones have been identified. The pattern found was generally the same as described earlier for intracellular protein content and confirms the presence of functional metabolic reorganizations of the chlorella cells in the growth dynamics of the culture. According to the state of the photosynthetic pigments, the cells of the chlorella culture remain in the metabolically active state even of 40 days after the beginning of cultivation.
About the Authors
I. A. IlyuchykBelarus
Irina A. Ilyuchyk - Postgraduate student, Senior Lecturer, Polessky State University.
23, Dnieper Flotilla Str., 225710, Pinsk.
V. N. Nikandrov
Vitaliy N. Nikandrov - D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Polessky State University.
23, Dnieper Flotilla Str., 225710, Pinsk.
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