
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Сontent of phenolic compounds in the native and alien species of the Bidens genus growing in various regions of Belarus


The content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in separate organs and aerial parts of Bidens species growing in different regions of Belarus was studied (alien species – Bidens frondosus L. and Bidens connatus Willd., native species – Bidens tripartitus L.). It was found that the leaves were characterized by the maximum accumulation of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids. The accumulation of these metabolites decreased in the row of “leaves – inflorescences – stems and roots”. Approximately 14 % of phenolic compounds in leaves and inflorescences were flavonoids. The accumulation of phenolic compounds in the aerial parts of B. frondosus, B. connatus and B. tripartitus, depending on the growing conditions, varied from 60, 55, 90 to 155, 130, 115 mg/g dry weight, flavonoids – from 7, 11, 8 to 20, 15, 19 mg/g dry weight, correspondingly. B. frondosus and B. connatus demonstrated a wider range of variation in the sum of phenolic compounds than B. tripartitus. A comparative analysis of the total phenolic accumulation in plants of different species collected in geographically close localities showed the absence of significant differences in the content of the studied secondary metabolites in alien and native species of Bidens.

About the Authors

T. A. Skuratovich
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tatyana A. Skuratovich – Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior researcher

27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk

O. V. Molchan
V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Olga V. Molchan – Ph. D. (Biol.), Assistant Professor

27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk


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