
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The physicochemical methods have been used to study the effect of soil tillage of typical black soil for the state of water and the restructuring of intermolecular bonds that determine the of the superstructure of humic acids (HA). It have been established that the HA of the virgin soil is more heterogeneous in composition, due to the presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains, that is due to the equilibrium of the conjugated processes of accumulation and decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), while tillage of typical black soil caused losses of SOM. It was found that plowing increases the content of fulvic acids and the amount of free water and hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of HA, due to the increase the biodegradation of SOM, which promotes the labile SOM and release of more nutrients. It have been established that plowing of typical black soil leads to conformational rearrangement of intermolecular interactions in the superstructure of HA by hydrophilic hydration. Polar structural elements coordinated by free water dipoles with accessible carboxyl groups. They stabilized the new conformation of HA mainly by hydrogen bonds. It has been shown that the 9-year use of No till leads to a decrease in free water, due to the greater availability of non-polar aromatic structures, and to the reduction of unavailable hydrophilic components, which causes the conformation of the superstructure of HA to stabilize mainly by hydrophobic forces, which causes the accumulation of a hard-to-degradable conservative SOM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been revealed the presence of smaller particles in the HA samples, in contrast to the sample of HA by No till, which is due to the difference in the molecular organization of their humic superstructures.


About the Authors

E. V. Skrylnik
National Scientific Center “O. N. Sokolovsky Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research”, Kharkiv
D. Sc. (Agricult.), Head of the Laboratory

N. V. Shevchenko
Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchayev, Kharkiv
D. Sc. (Agricult.), Head of the Department

M. A. Popirny
National Scientific Center “O. N. Sokolovsky Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research”, Kharkiv

O. T. Nikolov
V. N. KarazinKharkiv National University, Kharkiv
Ph. D. (Phys. аnd Math.), Leading researcher


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