
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The research of this kind will be in demand for a long time when monitoring natural complexes in connection with the poor study of populations of rare species in nature. The purpose of our study is to study the current state of the cenotic populations of the rare species Laser trilobum (L.) Borkh. (Apiaceae) in the Middle Volga basin. The species is included in the Red Data Book of the Samara Region and some other regions. It is confined to oak forests on limestone and marly soils. Some features of the biology and ecology of the species have been studied in other regions. The natural populations of the species are almost not investigated. We studied the structure of 22 cenopopulations of L. trilobum. In the course of the work, populationbased ontogenetic methods were used. The density of individuals is 5.3–26.1 copies per m2 . In the ontogenesis of L. trilobum, the regenerative, generative periods and eight ontogenetic states are distinguished. Senile individuals are not marked. Fluctuation dynamics of ontogenetic composition is characteristic for populations. The average ontogenetic spectrum for the investigated cenopopulations is a single-vertex left-handed with a predominance of virgin individuals. The estimation of populations was carried out by the criterion of “delta-omega” of L. A. Zhivotovsky (2001). Most of the cenopopulations are young, three are mature, one is transient. A significant number of young plants testify to the high capacity of L. trilobum populations to self-repair and maintain. Populations of the model species in the studied habitats are in a satisfactory state. An increase in the anthropogenic load negatively affects the structure and condition of the cenotic populations.

About the Author

V. N. Ilina
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Russian Federation
Ph. D. (Biol.), Assistant Professor


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