
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The data on species composition and abundance of ground beetles in the Oxalidosum oak-hornbeam (CarpinetoQuercetum oxalidosum), Oxalidosum hornbeam (Carpinetum oxalidosum) and Galeobdoloso-oxalidosum hornbeam (Carpinetum galeobdoloso-oxalidosum) forests in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is given. 115 specimens of ground beetles belonging to 23 species were collected by the quadrate method. Ground beetle communities in the deciduous forests in Belovezhskaya Pushcha are characterized by specificity of its composition and the ratio of the number of species. Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (dominant species in all forest types), Dyschirius globosus (dominant in Oxalidosum hornbeam forest), Notiophilus palustris and Pterostichus strenuus dominated. Amara communis and Amara brunnea were abundant in Galeobdoloso-oxalidosum hornbeam forest and Notiophilus biguttatus was abundant in Oxalidosum oak-hornbeam stand. The ground beetle community in the indigenous forest type (Oxalidosum oak-hornbeam stand) is characterized by depleted species composition.

About the Author

M. H. Kazulka
Polesie Agrarian Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Brest
Postgraduate student, Junior researcher


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