Risk assessment for alien fish of Belarus was determinated using FISK (Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit). According to the outcomes, species were classified under particular risk categories. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis identified threshold value of 12 to distinguish between invasive and non-invasive fish species, lower than those obtained in many other regions around the world. It was found that 9 from 18 alien species inhabits in the natural water bodies has a high risk on the aquatic ecosystems of Belarus. It is shown that non-native species intentionally introduced by man in the natural water bodies, has higher invasive potential than species invaded from the adjacent territories by natural spread. The highest scoring species were Amur sleeper, goldfish, common carp and brown bullhead. In addition, we validate inclusion in the high risk group such species as silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp and monkey goby, not included in this group in previous studies.
About the Authors
V. K. RizevskyBelarus
Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory
L. V. Vintsek
Junior researcher
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