It has been revealed by means of RAPD-PCR analysis that some genotypes of segregating population of interspecific hybrids originated from wild allotetraploid potato species Solanum stoloniferum that had extreme resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) possessed specific fragment OPA18600 which was absent in susceptible to PVY hybrids. The DNA sequence analysis of this fragment has shown its full identity to the nucleotide sequence of peroxidase V type gene of cultivated potatoes and high homology (more than 90 %) with genes of copper shaperon of different Solanum species. This indicates on functional similarity of studied sequence with genes of plant cell response on stresses caused by pathogen. The sequence is mapped to V chromosome. Taking into consideration the fact of segregation on OPA18600 at monogenic inheritance of the character of PVY resistance and of its homology with peroxidase gene, it was supposed that this sequence is not a fragment of PVY resistance R-gene of NBS-LRR-type but is nearby located and cosegregated with such unknown R-gene. This founds the development of sequence-specific PCR-marker for identification of genotypes with PVY resistance among the interspecific hybrids originated from S. stoloniferum.
About the Authors
E. V. VoronkovaBelarus
Ph. D. (Biol.), Leading researcher
V. I. Luksha
Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior researcher
A. V. Levy
Postgraduate student
O. N. Gukasian
A. P. Yermishin
D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor. Head of the Laboratory
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