Native for the water bodies of the Baltic Sea basin, the circumpolar fish species – the ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius (Linnaeus, 1758) – penetrated into the Black Sea basin’s water bodies on the territory of Belarus, was naturalized and in recent years is widely distributed in the Pripyat River basin. The morphometric characteristics of the ninespine stickleback from the Pripyat River basin’s water bodies (a new sea basin for this species – Black Sea basin) are given for the first time in present paper. It is shown that individuals of the ninespine stickleback from the Krechet River and Tur River don’t have bone plates on the each side of the body. However, variation in the meristic features obtained for the ninespine stickleback coincide with values in the range and make up: D1 8–11, D2 8–12, A 7–11, P 9–11, vert. 29–34, sp. br. 7–13. The materials presented in this article are the first description of the morphometric characteristics of the ninespine stickleback not only in new habitats (water bodies of the Black Sea basin – the Pripyat River basin), but also for the water bodies of Belarus in general.
About the Author
V. K. RizevskyBelarus
Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072
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