
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The research on the use of industrial waste to obtain practically valuable microbial metabolites was intensified. Oilcontaining waste are cheap and available in necessary for use in microbial technologies quantities. Nevertheless in the literature there are only a few reports about the possibility of their application as substrates for the biosynthesis of microbial polysaccharides. To investigate the synthesis of exopolysaccharide eрtapolan (produser – Acinetobacter sp. IMV B-7005) on waste (fried) oil of various qualities (with different ratios of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids). It was established that the highest ethapolan concentration (11–14 g/l) was observed under Acinetobacter sp. IMV B-7005 cultivation on waste after frying meat sunflower and corn oils at concentration 5 %, with using inoculum grown on refined oils. Replacing these oils in the cultivation medium on olive and rapeseed accompanied by some decrease in EPS concentrations (to 9‒10 g/l), the EPS-synthesizing ability was higher in several times (6.3–7.6 g EPS/ g biomass). The possibility of exopolysaccharide ethapolan biosynthesis on waste vegetable oils, characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated (sunflower, corn) and monounsaturated (olive, rapeseed) fatty acids was shown.

About the Authors

T. P. Pirog
National University of Food Technologies
D. Sc. (Biol.), Leading researcher, Professor, Head of the Department

N. A. Ivakhniuk
National University of Food Technologies
Ph. D. student

A. A. Voronenko
National University of Food Technologies


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