
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The description of a complex scale of determination of plants introduction in Mangistau desert arid conditions is given. It includes following 24 diagnostic features: 1) biological stability, 2) arts and habitually properties, 3) reproductive ability, and 4) economic-biological and scientific importance. The results of its approbation by the example of 155 species and forms of indigenous flora and flora from other regions are provided. Special computer program – DinCeR is proposed. Program allow to diagnose prospects of introduction and to enter in the computer’s memory a variety of registration information about the plants, forming lists for families and genera, to prepare seeds delektus, to select the plant list baswd on bioecological, decorative, landscaping and reproductive characteristics. All stored data can be sent to print in the database information on the taxa database, server, e-mail or exported to external editors in various graphical and text formats. The ability to program the output geographic location of the plant on interactive Yandex map online at predetermined coordinates in the GPS format or decimal degrees is also implemented in DinCeR. There are 814 entries for the collection of exotic species from 5 taxonomic divisions, 8 classes, 11 subclasses, nadporyadkov 24, 49 orders, 8 suborder, 49 families and 111 botanical genera are in the electronic database of the program at this time. Certificate of state registration of the copyright is received for the program from Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 2339 dated 14 December 2015.

About the Authors

A. A. Imanbayeva
Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden
Ph. D. (Biol.), General Director

I. F. Belozerov
Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden
Ph. D. (Agricult.), Deputy General Director


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ISSN 1029-8940 (Print)
ISSN 2524-230X (Online)