About the Authors
A. A. ImanbayevaKazakhstan
Ph. D. (Biol.), General Director
I. F. Belozerov
Ph. D. (Agricult.), Deputy General Director
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2. Lapin P. I., Sidneva S. V. Estimation of prospects of introduction of woody plants according to visual observations. Opyt introdukcii dre-vesnyh rastenij [Experience of introduction of woody plants], Moscow, GBS AN SSSR, 1973, pp. 6–67. (in Russian).
3. Plotnikova L. S. Scientific basis for the introduction and protection of cultivated plants of flora of the USSR. Moscow, Nauka,1988. 264 p. (in Russian).
4. Smirnov I. A. Method for determining the prospects of introduction of woody plants. Majkop, 1989. 34 p. (in Russian).
5. Tyshhenko E. L., Timkina Ju. V. Methodical aspects of assessment of decorative signs Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus L.). Politematicheskij setevoj Nauchnyj zhurnal Kubanskogo Gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. [Multi- disciplinary network scientific journal of the kuban state agrarian university], 2011, no. 66. Available at: http://ej.kubagro. ru/2011/02/pdf/28.pdf. (Accessed 20.12.2016). (in Russian).
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7. Takhtajan A. Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants. New York, Columbia University Press, 1997, 663 p.
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9. Migunova E. S. Plantations on saline soils. Moscow, Lesnaja promyshlennost, 1978. 144 p. (in Russian).
10. Smirnov I. A. Forest melioration of saline soils. Lesnoe hozjajstvo [Forestry], 1986, no. 10, pp. 26–28. (in Russian).
11. Tatarincev A. S. Method of study hardiness varieties of fruit plants. Selekcija i sortovedenie plodovyh i jagodnyh kul’tur [Selection and sortovedenie fruit and berry crops]. Moscow, 1981, pp. 50–58. (in Russian).
12. Kalinichenko A. N. Methods of study of fungal diseases of fruit and berry crops. Metodicheskie ukazanija po izucheniju i razrabotke mer bor’by s vrediteljami, boleznjami i sornjakami v sadah Sibiri [Guidelines on research and development of measures to combat pests, diseases and weeds in the gardens of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, 1977, pp. 3–14. (in Russian).
13. Dobrovol’skij I. A. Greening kryvbas. Bjulleten’ GBS AN SSSR [Bulletin of the SBS of the USSR Academy of Sciences], 1967, vol. 56, pp. 15–27. (in Russian).
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