
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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The fragment of BRRV isolate from Belarus (BRRV-BY1) was sequenced for the first time and nucleotide sequence of this isolate was deposited in GenBank with the accession No. LN998983. Sequence analysis revealed that the Belarusian isolate shared 94.1–99.3 % identity with 18 isolates of the virus available in GenBank. BRRV isolate from Belarus was mostly closely related to those from the USA (accession Nos JF917083 and JF917082) as they shared 99.3 % nucleotide identity. Phylogenetic analysis showed that clustering of investigated isolates didn’t depend on their geographical origin.

About the Authors

T. N. Bazhydai
Institute for Fruit Growing
Scientific researcher

N. V. Kukharchyk
Institute for Fruit Growing
D. Sc. (Agricult.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department


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