For the investigations on the territory of Belarus of stability, dynamics and making prognosis of development of metapopulations of the epyphitic moss Neckera pennata Hedw., included in the Red Data Book of Belarus and also protected in Europe, the dynamics of six metapopulations of this species was studied. The influence of such parameters as tree trunk diameter, tree inclination, and depth of bark crevices on the relative cover of this moss and its average annual increase was confirmed. The optimal values of these parameters for the growth of N. pennata were revealed. The coefficient of optimality for every metapopulation, which estimation gives possibility to predict quantitatively its development, and also the factor of dependence of increase on the parameters of host trees, ability and connectivity – Ri , between which strong correlation was revealed, were proposed. Non-linear dependence of the average relative annual increase on Ri for the separate tree species was established. The investigations enabled to do more accurate prognosis of the development of N. pennata metapopulations in the next two years.
About the Authors
A. V. LevkovichBelarus
O. M. Maslovsky
Ph. D. (Biol.), Head of the Department
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