Changes in species and size structure assemblage of owls strigiformes in the direction of increasing anthropogenic transformation natural complexes
With the increase of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment from relatively natural complexes to the total agricultural and recreational-urbanized suburbs revealed a decrease in the number of owl species (from 9 to 3) and changing species composition of their assemblage. In this direction in species composition as a whole showed an increase in the dominance of its relative lack of natural Paazierre forest to the absolute domination of one species in highly transformed territories, as well as the disappearance of rare species, reducing the representation of forest species and the increase of synanthropic species, and other positive and negative changes in the proportions of different species at various stages of transformation. All these changes in species composition occur on the background of reducing the total density of populations of owls and the differently directed changes in the density of populations of species of owls in the territories of different anthropogenic transformation. It is also found that with the increase of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment changes significantly the size structure assemblage owls in the direction of increasing the proportion of smaller species.
About the Author
І. A. SOLOVEYBelarus
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