
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Series

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Determination of molecular mass distribution, parameters of acute toxicity, antigenic and sensitizing activity of whey protein hydrolysate


The peptide composition of obtained enzymatic hydrolysate of whey proteins was determined. Also the parameters of its acute toxicity, antigenic and sensitizing activity were researched. The examined sample according to physicochemical, immunochemical and organoleptic properties corresponds to characteristics of partial hydrolysates for functional food products. Hydrolysed protein component possesses a weak sensitizing capacity.

About the Authors

T. M. Halavach
Belarusian State University

T. N. Osipova
Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene

V. P. Kurchenko
Belarusian State University

V. G. Tsyhankou
Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene

A. M. Bondaruk
Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene

S. V. Fedorovich
Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene


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